

Li Xiu Ying had invited Lin Aiguo for dinner. While eating, Lin Aiguo sensed that Li Xiu Ying had something to say. “My sixth sense never fools me. What do you want to say?” Lin Aiguo asked his disciple, while wiping his hands on a white napkin, staining it with sauce. “Sir, my sister Sying, is coming back to China from America tomorrow. Father said that she has already passed the police test and she will be joining our crime squad. I- Well- I told her all about you once, because… Uh… You are my idol, and now she… What I really want to ask is… Could she join our team? You know… The one with Xiao Yin, Chang Wei, Me and you.” Lin Aiguo hesitated for a moment and then gave a call to Xiao Yin, “Li Sying is joining our team from tomorrow. Tell Wei.”

Just as mentioned, Li Sying arrived at China the next day and arrived at the station to work, by four in the afternoon. Many police greeted her grandly. Having studied in America, being a natural beauty, and having a father who was a chief superintendent, Li Sying gained a lot of attention, praise and fame from her very first day of work. As planned, Li Sying also joined the four friends’ team.

Two weeks later Li Sying and Lin Aiguo were off work, and as Li Sying was getting into her jeep, she saw Lin Aiguo walking out of the station on his own as the rest of the team were still sorting out a few files. “Hey, professor! I’ll take you home. Where do you live?” Li Sying called out. “I would join you, but the thing is, it would be a pity to leave my car in the station while I travel the streets with a girl,” Lin Aiguo sneered, got into his car and then drove off, leaving Li Sying speechless.

The next day, which was the eighteenth of August, twenty- twenty, Chief Superintendent Li Ying, told Lin Aiguo and his daughter, Li Sying, that they were called on another new case. Chief Li Ying also mentioned that the other members of their team would not be able to participate in that case because they were working on another one. Lin Aiguo was helpless and finally agreed to join with Li Sying on the case. Li Sying was overjoyed. Lin Aiguo wanted to find his three friends to tell them the miserable news of having to work with his disciple’s sister, but soon realized that they were as busy as mice, running around, desperately working hard to solve their case, so then decided to not disturb them.

That afternoon, Lin Aiguo and Li Sying went off to investigate the case, because it was something to do with a person who lived in a rural area on the mountains. When the duo arrived at the scene, there were around twenty policemen surrounding a small hut, where a man, around the age of fifty, was handcuffed inside. “What happened?” Lin Aiguo asked one of the policemen. “The man, Mi Liu Ni had burst into a supermarket yesterday, yelling that he wanted to murder someone. The doctors had diagnosed that he was not mentally ill and was sent him back home. However, the police kept trace of him and then found out, that behind the hut, there are all sorts of knives and daggers. Out of protection for the people, we’ve decided to keep him under house arrest. And since he still tried to run out, the police are staying here as well,” the policeman replied. “Then let’s check his weapons first and then get on to questioning him,” Li Sying told Lin Aiguo. “Did you have to mention something that obvious?” Lin Aiguo grunted and walked to the back of the hut.

Behind the hut, there were knives and blades ranging from a pocket knife to a sharp, long and thick sword. “Strange man…” Li Sying muttered to herself with one hundred percent awareness that if she said it out loud, Lin Aiguo would begin to lecture her on using her common sense.

Then, the duo went over to question the strange man on his sinister behaviour. He was seated on his bed. “Sir, the police have reported a strange behaviour in you… Can I know why you were like that?” Li Sying asked. Lin Aiguo kicked Li Sying sharply on her ankle and whispered, “Don’t question directly.” Then Lin Aiguo took on the questioning. “Where did you go yesterday?”

“Park,” Mi Liu Ni replied, shifting uneasily.

“Are you married?”


“Do you want to kill someone?”

“Yes.” Mi Liu Ni bent his head and sucked his lower lip nervously.

“Is it out of your own intention?”

“Yes.” Mi Liu Ni frantically around the room, as if he was expecting to see someone.


“I won’t tell.”

“Did you meet someone at the supermarket?”

“I’ve already answered many questions and now I am sleepy. Anyways, I won’t answer your questions when there are too many people around. Leave me alone!” Mi Liu Ni demanded, leaping off his bed.

Lin Aiguo smiled, nodded and left the house, followed by a baffled Li Sying who asked, “What did you find out?” “I’ll let you know at the station,” Lin Aiguo answered, getting into his car and slamming the door behind him. This time, Li Sying was wise enough to not question the genius, once more, as to asking him to ride in her own car with her.

Within half an hour, Lin Aiguo, Li Sying, Li Xiu Ying, Xiao Yin, Zhang Wei, the chief superintendent and a few other policemen assembled in the meeting room for a discussion. The other members of Lin Aiguo’s team had closed their cases and decided to support Lin Aiguo in his case. “So, what have you found out?” the chief superintendent questioned Lin Aiguo.

Lin Aiguo clasped his hands together on the table and began, “Mi Liu Ni, lied about going to the supermarket yesterday. He said he went to the park. However, I am sure that all of you here, knows that Mi Liu Ni had caused chaos at the supermarket yesterday, hence, he was lying about his whereabouts. He told the truth about him being single… But apart from that, when I inquired whether he wanted to kill someone, and although he said yes, he then bent his head and sucked his lower lip in, avoiding eye contact, which is a clear sign that proves he was lying. So, putting aside the fact that our man has many knives, it may not necessarily be for murder. Mi Liu Ni also stated that what he did was out of his own intention, but while he said that he glanced around, expecting to see someone. It could be that he was threatened. My final point is that, as Li Sying knows as well, Mi Liu Ni won’t answer any other questions unless he is alone with someone.”

“Bravo Aiguo!” Li Sying clapped. “Yes, bravo!” the chief superintendent cheered. Except for Li Sying, the others in Lin Aiguo’s team stayed silent, knowing that their friend was feeling really uncomfortable. Li Xiu Ying, wished to vanish through the ground. The rest of the policemen got onto their feet. Lin Aiguo, got up, turned his back towards the others, rolled his eyes, and sat back down. “My legs got a bit stiff,” he explained.

Later, during the evening, the chief superintendent had a conversation with Lin Aiguo in his office. Li Sying was there as well. “I want you to question Mi Liu Ni,” the chief superintendent instructed. “Yes Sir, I will,” Lin Aiguo promised. “I want to join him,” Li Sying said. “You may then. You two discuss the procedures. I’ll leave you be,” the chief superintendent said, before exiting the room. Li Sying and Lin Aiguo’s eyes met. There were fireworks bursting inside Li Sying, whereas, Lin Aiguo’s ears had turned red on the exterior and interior due to excess anger and frustration. “Her again,” Lin Aiguo thought to himself, “Why not Zhang Wei or Xiao Yin?” “So… What are we going to ask?” Li Sying inquired, sitting down on the same chair on which her father had sat on. Lin Aiguo shook his head, “I advise you not to come.” Li Sying got up. “Why not?” “The person we’re investigating is highly suspicious, and even if it is not him, your life will be risked in someone else’s hands. You are a girl and-

Li Sying immediately stopped Lin Aiguo, “So you’re saying that us women don’t have rights. Am I correct? As policemen, all our duties are the same, no matter what gender it is. Are you looking down at me?”

Lin Aiguo was startled at this remark. “Smart, lovely and quick- witted girl,” he thought. “I don’t want you to fall into trouble.” “Oh! So now you like me, don’t you? Gosh! Men are so delicate. Putting work before love,” and with that, Li Sying stormed out. Lin Aiguo gave a tiny groan when he heard the screech of Li Sying’s car driving off.

By the time Li Sying arrived at Mi Liu Ni’s house, all the police had dispersed and Mi LiU Ni’s handcuffs were taken off. He was standing inside the house, by the front door, gazing into the air. “I’m alone,” Li Sying told Mi Liu Ni. “I won’t answer you,” Mi Liu Ni stubbornly replied.

Li Sying, unable to bear the stress, took out her gun, and aimed it at Mi Liu Ni. “You can’t shoot innocent people!” Mi Liu Ni cried, “It’s against the rules.” “What rules?” Li Sying asked roughly, pulling the trigger.

Then… There was a gunshot. Within a minute, Li Sying collapsed. Her fingers pressed onto the trigger, and in the next minute, Mi Liu Ni was on the ground as well. There was blood on Li Sying’s spine, and on Mi Liu Ni’s throat. “SYING!” Lin Aiguo, rushed into the scene from a distance, his car was parked, not too far or close to the house, and he was panting. Drops of sweat fell in dozens onto the muddy soil. Lin Aiguo was carrying a gun in his right hand.

When Lin Aiguo reached Li Sying, he fell on his knees and lifted Li Sying onto his lap. He dropped his gun by her body and cried. Being as strong and bold as he was, Lin Aiguo started to cry. He had really fallen in love with her.

Half an hour later, Lin Aiguo was handcuffed in the interrogation room. Chief superintendent Li Ying was one furious interrogator who was in charge of interrogating Lin Aiguo. Lin Aiguo’s three best friends stood out of the room, watching the scene in utter melancholy. Li Sying’s death didn’t seem to affect her brother very much, as it did for her father. Li Xiu Ying, was more worried about his master, Lin Aiguo. “I hope he’ll be fine,” Zhang Wei thought.

“You didn’t shoot her!” Chief superintendent Li Ying boomed, “There was only one gunshot and you had a gun. And to think, you still have the courage to say that it was someone else who murdered Sying. You fought in the station. Everyone heard it. Because of that, you decided to kill my daughter?”

“Don’t misunderstand me sir,” Lin Aiguo spoke, his eyes still red, “There really was someone else, who shot your daughter, from a far distance, and I suspect him to be the person who threatened Mi Liu Ni, into trying to murder someone. It is true that I carried a gun, but without investigating the crime scene, you can’t prove it’s me who killed the girl I fell in love with. Because it wasn’t. I’ll help avenge Sying.”

“Don’t boast. My intuition never lies. I’ll leave the crime scene the way it is, for another week and then dispose of it, closing the case, if your friends can’t solve the mystery before then. In the meantime, you’ll have to spend your time in jail,” chief superintendent Li Ying declared, storming out of the room.

Lin Aiguo’s head dropped. Xiao Yin gasped. “Unacceptable!” Li Xiu Ying said. Zhang Wei was just about to storm after the chief superintendent but luckily, another young policeman stopped him in time.
Everyone, except for the chief superintendent, was on Lin Aiguo's side.

Lin Aiguo was hustled into jail and no matter how many times everyone tried to persuade the chief superintendent to reconsider about this matter, He ignored everyone’s cries, only ordering Xiao Yin, Li Xiu Ying and Zhang Wei to take over the mysterious case.

The very next day, Lin Aiguo’s three friends came to pay him a visit in jail. “We believe in you. We know that you didn’t kill her and never would. We are in charge of this case now, and we are going to get you out of here. Just tell us all you know,” Xiao Yin told Lin Aiguo.

Lin Aiguo replied with only three words, and went to sleep, “Check the pistols.”