

Case NO. G707- Side Story 1
​Hi readers, so..this story is something different from the main story, it's about Yukti's personal life. I will strictly recommend you guys to read the previous chapters of the main story first , or else you will feel something incomplete.

Yukti came out of the isolated bungalow injuring that stranger . She was walking slowly with a sad, pale face and teary eyes, only she new how much helpless and sad she was. When Ranjiv and Steve arrived there.

Yukti- Ranjiv? How did you reached here? Why Steve is with you?

Ranjiv- Ma'am are you OK? Actually I couldn't contact you so tracked your location, Steve wanted to know about the update of this case . Wait did...did..you had a fight? Whose that person lying unconscious there?

Steve- Miss Yukti, how did you got this cut ? (He said with tensed eyes)

Yukti started sobbing and takes deep breaths 

Ranjiv- I am bringing water from the car, please wait ma'am!(he ran)

Steve- Miss , are you oka- 

Yukti started crying, she was heartbroken and demotivated . She couldn't understand anything and hugged Steve tightly. She was holding Steve's coat's collar tightly,  at first Steve couldn't understand anything but then he patted her back . As he felt that Yukti was comfortable with him he slowly hugged her back to console her.

Steve: It's okay Miss...

She bursted into tears..

                                                To be continued.........
Front cover picture taken from 'Dance with Devils ' anime.

© yuktika_sarkar