

It was dark. It was cold. But I couldn't stop running...

It was a lovely Friday morning. The sun was shining brightly and I was getting ready for school. I got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and left to meet my friends. We all met at the old church. It's been burnt down for years but once upon a time it was a beautiful building. The inside used to be white with rose gold decorating the ceiling. It was one of my favourite places to be. I could sit for hours writing stories there. Even if I didn't actually believe in God I still liked sitting in there, I would even pray with my friends so as not to be rude.

Sadly a group of teenage boys burnt it down 5 years ago today, they claimed to have seen something. Something large and spike backed. It had scars all over they said, and they said it had arrows sticking out from all over its body. They said they burnt it down because it told them to. It told them they HAD to.

Nobody believed them of course, obviously it was a lie. They got community service for 3 months after that. Gradually they began to think they made it all up, forgetting what they saw and going back to reality and believing they burnt it down for nothing.

My friends and I would leave our prayers in front of the building before heading to school every morning. We would then make our way talking as usual laughing and sharing names or updates of our crushes.

We made it in school before an announcement of a group of teenage girls burning down the public library was blasted through the schools. They didn't name anyone but they spoke with seriousness of their actions.

Everybody was in shock, the girls that had done this had never done anything like this before, then again, neither had the boys. The girls were brought to the police station, they described the same thing as the boys did. The officers thought that they just wanted the attention the boys got and gave them the same punishment 3 months community service.

I was so angry and upset I ran out of school that day and made it to the library that was still burning down.
I ran inside hoping to die with it but the weird thing was that I didn't want to, something was making me. Something was in my head screaming at me, something dark had compelled me. Something bad was happening to me.

The firemen ran in after me trying to pull me out but I wouldn't let them. I would NOT leave. No matter how much I wanted to go I couldn't leave, I was stuck, I felt trapped. Finally the firemen lifted me out. They waited until I was ready and then asked why? Why did I run in that building? Why did I want to die?

This same night I had a dream... but it felt so real. The figure everyone's describing came to me. It said "RUN, DON'T STOP, RUN FOREVER, EAT NOTHING, DRINK NOTHING, RUN UNTIL YOU DROP, RUN UNTIL YOU DIE."

I did what he said, It was dark. It was cold. But I COULDN'T stop running...