

Afraid of Jesus
Almost nothing makes me laugh more than watching someone squirm when I mention Jesus, God, or my Faith. I think it's amusing that people are afraid of Jesus.

What's behind these awkward moments? Why do people think it's weird to talk religion. I don't. I enjoy to talking to people about their beliefs in any religion. I find it pretty fascinating what people believe and how they choose to model their lives.

I think good leaders are faithful. Not that every leader has to claim a religion, bit there are practical benefits to actively choose to have Faith in your life.

Faith generally offers hope. If you've resigned yourself to believing only what you can taste, see, touch, feel, or smell, then you're missing out on a world of things that don't exist yet. The things of hopes and dreams that are intangible will forever elude you.

Faith offers stability. If you're anchored and centered in a belief system, you'll have less trouble making decisions. You will always have your values to guide your actions. Your path is clear. Listening to yourself and finding joy are easier because the path before you is one of excitement, wonder, and goodness. It's difficult to feel angry, sad, depressed, and alone when you're busy being intentionally grateful for what you have and the loving relationships you've built up. Community is as much a part of belief as following the tenets of your Faith.

Faith offers outlets for stress. When someone of Faith has a problem there is a personal relationship with God on which they can rely upon to set them back on the right path. In some practices, there are breathing techniques to physically alter your mood and relax you. In others, you will confess your sins to someone in order to unburden yourself of bad thoughts and actions, and learn what not to do in the future. And in most Faith practices, there is always a physical someone to talk to if you have to find help or just get someone to listen.

There are many more reason to find Faith. Don't let people run from you by boring them with your own rules and regulations, or by showing them how smart you are in memorizing things, but really listen. See what they are about. Inquire to learn about the other person's views. If they disagree with your views, that's ok, maybe there is still some common ground between you. At the end of it all, Faith is meant to bring all of us together and create a community that fosters love and acceptance of each human being.

Take a moment each morning to think about your place in the world. Just start with being grateful to be alive today, then branch out from there. Actively search for the wonders around you. Seek others who are like you, and learn from those who aren't exactly the same. Have some Faith.

© Keith Tully