

Conquere the stars

The year is currently 4000, humanity lives among the stars. My ancestors are originally from earth, but I currently live on planet Zeldra discovered and put in the care of Grandmaster Zeldrana Patricia Gale. You see, we humans have successfully colonized our solar system and beyond. For the last 1300 yrs humanity has had full access to the technology necessary to explore and colonize what was once the unattainable. Because of the advances in technology a new and actually functional branch of military was formed. Men and women all over the world trained to join the Galactic Special Forces or GSF for short. Thus deep space exploration began on a large scale, and soon after colonization. First there was just lots more to learn, then planets to explore, and then unexpected negotiations. While there were definitely uninhabited planets that were discovered among those who could support life, some were already well lived on and governed.
There were plenty who understood humans were not alone. Some were surprised, shocked even, to find lifeforms both humanoid and otherwise.
As per orders most were smart enough to try and find a ways to communicate and negotiate for territory to colonize, build, and learn if the planet was inhabited. Our sister planet was one of the first technological and naturally peaceful of all the prosperous colonized planets where such methods were beployed. It may be because they desired the resources Zeldra posses or outbof pure curiosity. Either way Grandmaster Gale came through again with another success. She is a genius among her ranks and Gorgeous to boot!The were plenty envious of her success in the feild and other areas. Jealousy led to competition and competition led to the incompetent taking hasty shortcuts. Unfortunately, there were those who took the primitive route and decided on their own that we humans were superior and tried to use force. Even in the face of success, this was very frowned upon and after about the 3rd forceful take over it was made illegal. This was the beginning of the Galactic rogue army, and the true accention of Grandmaster Gale.
The man who began Rising the galactic rogue army was once known as Donovan Von Heigl, Grandmaster Gale's former second in command. Over the years they worked side by side toward reaching their goals. After long years of hard work and partnership Gale felt that he deserved a higher promotion for all of his hard work, to become her equal. Little did Grandmaster Gale know, he was just biding to make his treacherous plans come to fruition. The beginning of the yet another terrible skuffle among the stars was all but set in stone with one phrase uttered by the grand elder: "Donovan Von Heigl you are hereby promoted from Captain, to Master Donovan Von Heigl!"
In this brief moment of bliss and happiness felt for what she thought was her true friend, Grandmaster Gale could've never imagined that the worst of the wars would come at the hand of her best friend and former captain and subordinate.
After trying to impress her turned into tricking his old friend, crush, and rival into helping him up the ranks; Donovan Von Heigl newly promoted to master Donovan Von Heigl celebrated his bittersweet victory. In truth, he was still very upset that he was only promoted to Master and not Gale's equal of Grandmaster. For he unrightfully so felt he deserved and equal to or greater rank than Gale. Even knowing how hard she worked even without him to achieve colonizing an uninhabited planet with solo command. Also negotiations for a successful colony in a previously habited planet well seamlessly blending into its environment with its people were all but finished before he ever came in to help. While he did lend a helping hand in closing negotiations, it was all but the beginning of his plan to help bring him up the ranks to impress Gale. Time however didn't seem to make a difference in how she saw him. Once he realized he had no chance as the man he was to win her heart, his desire to love her, be loved my her, and be great in her eyes became corrupt. Then later Donavan was forever changed with dark envy and resentment once the unexpected happened. You see, at one point after receiving his promotion, Donovan considered going on the straight and narrow. To just give it all up and remain by Gale's side, but he overlooked one important fact. Gale could fall in love.
She fell in love with the ruler of Zeldra's sister planet that she oversees a colony on, Z2. His name was Elden Descar and they fell for each other hard.
After Donovan was returning from his 2nd solo mission to case a potential Planet for colonization as a master, he decided to call up his secret contact on the holograph phone. Missing his friend and first love, he wanted cancel their plans so he could stay beside his beloved. Unhappy as his secret contact was, they agreed with, seemingly, no issue. They did make sure and give him a special on a message has the call ended though, " Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you to crawl back to me, and you will... I'll still be here... waiting with open arms."
Anger and dejected Donavon ended the call with a huff.
"She will be mine... The glory with be mine! You'll see Festra!" He exclaims while punching his desk. "Gale and all of her glory and success will finally be mine after all these years of longing!" Little did he know that the very drive he built to obtain a love never meant for him would be his downfall.
In all the planning and plotting over the last few years,Donovan failed to do one very important thing. To stay in touch with Gale. While setting about on his missions he tightly held on to his obsessive love for his old friend and her life and career continued to move forward. He became so eager to be the impressive man he felt she deserved that he himself was the one who committed two of the four mentioned forceful takeovers of colonized planets. Thinking that Gale would be impressed with him, he ed up his forces and prepared to head on over to Zeldra. Meanwhile on zeldra, Gale just got news of the atrocities her best friend has just committed. In complete shock she refused to believe it and ran straight to her love for advice and comfort.
After hearing out his love, the only advice Elden could give her was to follow her heart but keep her eyes open.
"Your intuition and instinct are up to par with any evidence life form I have ever had the pleasure of encountering, even without my telepathy I completely believe in you my love. Though I will have to admit if something seems off I cannot promise I will not intervene for you are my love and these planets, Zeldra and Z2 are our homes." Elden said while gazing at Gale lovingly. With this, she was comfortably reassured and felt confident that no matter what happened Elden would help her get through it. She what's now ready for the arrival of Donovan and all that it would bring, or so she hoped.
A couple of days later Donovan arrived on zeldra to meet with Gale. Knowing very well that this visit could change the dynamic of their friendship and professional relationship, Gale asked Elden to be there with her for support. of course because Elden knew how important this was to Gale, he made all the proper arrangements to make sure he could be there with her throughout the entire ordeal.
Donovan walks down the main Corridor toward the throne room where he will meet who he believes to be the love of his life. He thoroughly believed that this would be the moment they would join together forever and conquer all the stars and all the planets. Donovan waltz's into the throne room and see his prize sitting side by side with another man. He chooses to ignore this at first thinking he may just be her new second in command.
"After all she would have to put someone in the position I left vacant." He thought to himself.
" Welcome. my old friend, it has been such a long time please come in let us talk." Gale calmly states to Donovan while extending her hand of friendship as she normally would, but something about him makes her uncomfortable this time. This unfamiliar look in his eye gives her cold chills and makes her feel deeply uneasy. "I barely recognize my old friend , something is not right..." Gale thought to herself nervously.
Noticing the shift in Gale's demeanor, Elden decides to use his telepathy to read Donovan's true intentions. After all why in the world would Gale be made uncomfortable by her best friend if nothing at all was wrong.
moments later Elden has all the information he needs to know exactly what Donovan has done and what his true intentions were and are now. While Elden is not insecure by any means, the fact that this man was willing to do such evil things to gain Gale's affections does worry him. His body noticeably stiffened to Gale and this confirms her suspicions of something being very very wrong.
A knowing conversation ensues and all comes to light. Donovan decided to openly strut his confidence and want for Gale only to be disappointed by the revelation that she was already taken and bearing the child of Elden. Outraged Donovan promised his revenge, revenge for all of his heartache can waiting and longing that will go on fulfilled. Upon making this promise, he swore he would make Gale suffer for the rest of her days and bear him all the children he desired.
"If I cannot have you than no one can. Enjoy it now Gale because as soon as your bastard is born you will be mine and only mine!" With that outrageous exclamation he barrels out of the throne room and straight back to his ship directly after exiting the castle.
In hopes that her old friend had just temporarily lost his mind Gale let him go. Eldon did not agree with his act of mercy, but he would do anything for his love. This would soon become one of the most regretted decisions of her entire life.
Over the next few years nothing but war and problem after problem and the rise of the number of Rogues in the Rogue Army had ensued. While her children never came into harm, the stars and planets they fought so hard to protect and improve for suffering. Suffering all because a man couldn't take the word no. While all of the attacks were not done by Donovan, this war and bloodshed all started with his promises of Revenge. Gale and Elden have been tracking him relentlessly ever since. Here we are 4 years later and there is finally a promising lead on Donovan's location, Planet Sect. Hurt and betrayed Gale has a determination like no other to end this war.
Prepared for the Expedition to Sect to finally put all of this to an end Gale takes another look at herself in her mirror, takes a deep breath, and prepares herself mentally for what is to come. If Donovan is indeed on sect then all of this can be put to an end because he is the leader of the rogue army. Gale took one last look at herself in the mirror and said, " For the peace that was disrupted that I worked so hard for over the long years I will destroy every single last rogue that falls within my line of sight." With that they boarded the fastest warships they had and set off to Sect. Cocky and unaware of what was barreling towards him at the fastest speeds ever seen in any warships, Donovan was enjoying a celebration for destroying a ship from Gale's scouting fleet by a planet not too far off. If only he knew his very demise could be drawing closer to him by the minute. by the time Donovan's forces caught wind of the attack on the way, Gale's forces were preparing to enter the atmosphere of Planet Sect. This battle will determine the fate of the stars from this time on. Using the work technology and developed by the latest scientists on zeldra Gale and the elite teams warped off of the ships down onto the surface of Sect, and then all hell broke loose. this planet was swarming with roads and there was evidence of enslavement of the original inhabitants of this planet. Trying to avoid killing the enslaved, Gale knocked the fighters unconscious and avoided those who were trying to steer clear of the bloodshed. while she was merciful she was equally ruthless and slaughtered every rogue she came across. None would Escape her wrath especially not those working closest to Donovan. As Gale and the special forces were moving through these poorly trained rogues and hesitant enslaved fighters, more of her men descended from the ships easily overtaking the inexperienced and the unwilling. if ever there were a time that it was evident Donovan took many shortcuts in training the people he chose and making his plans it would be now. Caught unaware, at an unprepared base planet, with poorly trained rogues, and unwilling enslaved fighters... Donavon started to see his years of planning and misdeeds unravel right before his dark eyes.
Full of hate and self-loathing and bitterness he locked his evil eyes on Elden and decided that he would take him out with him if nothing else. unaware of the danger coming his way Elden suddenly feels a sharp pain in his side.
"Ugggh!" Elden grunted in pain. Looking to his side he now sees the glowing hot blade known to be welded by Donovan himself and gifted to him by Gale. Irony at its best, or worst all jokes aside.
"Noooo!" Gale sreamed and charged Donavon with everything in her. She takes her sword and with a passion and vigor she never knew she had she sliced Donovan four times before he could even blink. With that last show of strength from Gale, Donovan drops to his knees with a large thud. The plasma sword cut him so thoroughly that he had not even realized how bad his injuries were until he hit the ground.
" I can die now, I can die knowing that you won't be with him anymore. at least you cannot be without me. At least you will love no one else. Alls I ever wanted was your love." Donovan chokes out in between coughing up blood.
"Save it for someone you didn't betray. Donovan you were my best friend, we grew up together. We used to wash each other's hair and take baths together while our moms talked about how cute we were. you were like a brother to me... Then the end you couldn't just be happy that I found happiness you chose to betray me and hurt me and kill my efforts and murder the things that I loved. Your betrayal has not gone unpunished, and I regret nothing. you had my love, you were my most treasured friend and you threw it away. save your excuses for hell Donovan! Goodbye. Oh and by the way I will save my love and we will live happily will Conquering the stars and saving other life forms and people from Monsters like you!"
Donovan's face contorts but he no longer has the energy to argue or respond at all. He takes his last breath as Gale turns on her heels with her head held high going toward the medical staff who had just grabbed her love. The Gail lost someone she once considered her most dear friend, she regretted nothing. She knew that what she did saved their homes and many others from Donovan's horror. While nothing could be perfect forever, they could now work back toward more peaceful and prosperous days among the stars once again.


© Plumm V Fleur