

hate me'
When i die, i wish u don't sympathise for my days and nights, il kill the devils & frouds. and i hate u and i hate me and what all i been to. Someday il make each life living alive to suffer and turn it for them for always be in shame. Theyl have game but il kill theirs names. Il chase from their breathes and will show them ill.
They can have laugh but will repay by loosing theirselfs, Il use their words to make them fall on my web, and il smile when theyll scream. Il show them that they deserve better but keep their souls and pockets away even for panny. Il make their celebration empty. If its 456 il change it 08193 Il have my families to aquire all their collected wealth and put all their family members as of my companies free trainees for all their conscious and subconscious energies and make their families their egos enemies
© voffomi