

Appreciate what you have, before its gone
In the village of SpiceTown, lived a girl named Natalia. She is a very beautiful , smart and unique young lady. Natalia lived with her parents John and Mary. John is a hotel manager, His wife Mary helps out at the hotel, and Natalia is a high school student. Her parents really loved her to death since she's the only child but Natalia always gets into trouble🤦‍♀️. On Tuesday morning, Natalia got into an argument with her parents and decided to leave the house to head to school, the last thing she told her parents before she left, was that she hates them.Usually when Natalia comes out from school in the afternoon her parents would come pick her up, but on that day while Natalia was waiting on her parents to come, there was no sign of them. So Natalia decided that she was going to walk home. On her way home she kept thinking why her parents didn't came to pick her up, they probably mad from what I said this morning or maybe they are busy at the hotel she thought.💬When Natalia got home there was still no sign of her parents😕She then used the telephone and dialed the hotel but the receptionist said that her parents had already left😨She then became worried. After an hour passed by, Natalia heard a knock on the door, "That's strange",she said. Because her parents have their house keys. She then went and opened the door and a male police officer was standing there👮‍♂️He then told Natalia that her parents got into a car accident while on their way to collect her from school and they died while receiving medical attention at the hospital. Their last words was "tell Natalia we love her". Poor Natalia got on her knees in tears😭😭 she then started to regret everything that she had said to her parents and wish she could have took those words back. As weeks went by, Natalia finally decided to pack up her parents stuff to give them away. While packing, she noticed her favourite picture in a frame with her parents. The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her sad eyes roamed over it one last time before she putted it down.'It's time to start afresh life" she said.

© tinkabell45400