

I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery!

There was joy in me that I could not afford to let out. The skinny figure lying beneath the old thin sheets of bed cover was the limitation to me prancing around my room in a ritual-like dance of victory. This was a prize for me alone to enjoy and I was not going to share it with a woman.

Finally, my Batman mask I bought as a costume for escaping reality will be a vital tool to acquire my prize in total discretion. Except, there was a limitation to the unseen; The Prophet.

Many in Vorpan were foolish to dismiss the metaphysical abilities exhibited by The Prophet and in that I considered myself one of the few elite to be wise to recognise the powers in the possession of the dark puppet master. My cunningness was simply infantile to the manipulative antics of The Prophet.

To bypass metaphysical oversight was a feat no material being ever achieved without drawing strength from the dark side itself.

The lottery I won, obvious discretion I could achieve but spiritual evasion was a near impossibility. There was only one other to turn to, Angelos.

© Jegdy