

A little bit touch of light
(Story of being lighted part 5)

Najirpur, a small village market in Bangladesh , full of flame and dust. If you come here after staying in a rich city like London or New York, it will seem to you that it is burned into fire.
By the side of this market, a small hilly water Chanel is blowing lonely. The sweet sound of water is heard from the second floor of Shana's house. Now at 5pm Shana is sitting on the balcony. The lines of anxiety are visible on her forehead. What's the matter?
Shana, the one eyed beautiful girl. Do you remember her? who can feel the existence of god by her thoughts but can't find out the exact way to reach him. That's why she made a good criterion to judge the religions. Three months later today she is exhausted physically and mentally. Through a long and hard study now she can realize that her path is unending. In silence she was thinking. In that situation, her father, Abdul Majid, stood behind her.Her father said
My baby, why are you so upsetting and broken heart? Tell me your problem. Maybe I can help you.
Shana looked at her father's face with her one eye filled with tears. Then said, my beloved papa, Which is the exact way of god? Which religion of the earth can reach me to my creator? Tell me if you know.
Father Abdul Majid is a good and practicing religious man. But, as far as he knows, Shana doesn't believe in god. It's the first time he is hearing from her anything about religion. An undescribable sentiment of joy and phenom any passed by the heart of father. Smoothly he put his hand on her head and said,—have you found your lord ?
-Yes papa I'm certain, I have a creator, This well-planned universe has an owner. But I'm not being able to detect the correct path to reach him from the thousand religions of the earth.
Which religion I should follow to satisfy my lord. Every religion claims to be right. The curiosity led me to make a criterion by which I can judge the religions. But at a point of time, I realized that this hassle has no end. Every religion has a part which is supported by evidence and based on human intelligence, and has a part which defense only on irrational and blind faith. Now what can I do, papa?
A short smile affairs on the face of father. He speaks gently
show me your criteria. Let me see what's that in.Shana gave him a couple of papers written in good shape.
Her father read that and commented on.
The idea is excellent.
A good result maybe come out in this way. But it's not possible individually. A large and costly workshop it is. It's only possible if all the scholars, psychologists, scientists and thoughtful individuals of the world join together and can assemble
on one platform in an unbiased manner. But be sure nobody will feel attraction to do this.
Instead of launching rockets and satellites and costing multiple millions of dollars in vain, why will they cost their time and merits to find out a meaningless thing such as religion? Father kept a breath then said
-My baby, you are trying to get accurate information about a road you are not walking trough.
— what are you saying
– do you practice any religion?
— no
- but you are trying to find out the right and correct religion.
—Isn't it a kind of madness such as trying to judge a curry without testing it or looking for a path without walking.
Though it's possible in present time by the modern devices but if the road is out of any device, then what can you do.
Father said this and left. Shana shouted
–please dad, make it clear. Father replied
–Meet me after dinner.
Father has gone, the sun is going to set, the earth is preparing to get covered by the dark of night, but the heart of Shana is perceiving a ray of light. She got up.

After dinner, Abdul Majid was reading a book in his room. Shana entered and sat by side.
-Father your speech contains profound meaning, but I can't understand completely. Please let me know what did you mean. My child, god isn't a simple matter. To reach him, in primary stage you have no need to establish a specific religion and reject others. It is as impossible as it is unnecessary. Because every claim has evidence. If you claim that there is no sun in the sky, you can find out evidence. But the irrefutable truth of god about doesn't rely on argument. It's only palpable by a dirt less soul.
On the other hand, giving up some lifeless formalities, there is no Controversy between the religions. Every religion in the world contains the same good manner and good advice. If you practice them, your soul and mind will be purified. I mean being good, noble, and gentle you can purify your soul. And it's possible by following the good instructions of any religion. If your intention is exact and your goal is accurate, I'm sure you can do it. Then a strong ray of light will come out from your own, by which you would be able to detect the truth from false. If you have faith in god, your god has given that capability into your soul. But the condition is what I have told you. You must be unbiased and clear about your goal. That's the way. After having that insight, if a specific religion manifests to you, then keep in mind that you are a lucky individual. But without following any religion, never you can find out the everlasting truth about religion. Rather, most of religious strife grow here from.

Without getting closer to religion, everyone wants to establish his opinions and reject others. In fact, they don't know Maine meaning of religion. They only fight with each other about a path they're not passing by.
Now go my son and follow the good instructions of any religion of the world with devotion, then see what benefits you can gain it from. I can tell you about a specific religion, but you have grown up in such a manner that
you may not accept it. So go and find out your own way, as I have told you.
© Akbar husen2