

The unfinished proposal, Part 3
{Part 3 start}
(On that similar day)
(The bell rang and teacher say class over. Every students rushed out with there lunches)
Ravi: Finally its lunch. (said to himself)
(But suddenly the problem struck as he looks behind and shocked because his friend didn't came today.)
Ravi: (They are absent today. I guess I have eat in the classroom alone)
(As he going to start eating his lunch, the group of 3 boys enter the classroom and those were his bullies)
Bully 1: what are you doing alone in the class room. (Said with evil smirk on his face)
Bully 2: HAHA! Looks like you ain't got a friend to eat with.
Bully 3: Give me your lunch, BASTARD. (Said while shouting at ravi)
Bully 2: ARE YOU GUYS HUNGRY BECAUSE I AM. (Said while starring at him)
( Bully 2 try to snatch Ravi's lunch but Ravi is resisting)
(Bully 3 pushed Ravi into...