

Fear is just a state of mind. is it?
The discovery was mind blowing by most standards. I mean who unearths an Egyptian mummy after so many centuries?
"Dr.Hima! "
I turn surprised by my assistant's shout. His wide, frightened eyes stare back at me. "What is it, Ron?"
He points at the corner of the mummy's coffin. "That's dried blood, Dr. I think there's someone else in there with that mummy."

I turned back in horror with a confused mind.

Its dark, shiny and is grinning at us.

It's none other than Vlad - The Impaler also known as Vlad Dracul the infamous Dracula!

Ron went pale and all I saw was this dark entity with the bloodshot eyes raging for fresh blood.

That gaze was terrifying enough and the fear of unleashing a beast in a world full of weaklings was a disaster.

Dracul Just lifted his fingers pointing towards Ron and gestured a close fist.

Ron was gasping for air as it was now clear that Vlad could choke you to death without even touching your skin. Ron went blue, it was visible he's gonna pass out and I'm next up in the platter.

Then he stopped and Ron fell with a thud and coughing his lungs out. Such deep breaths I could see his face going red.

This was not an act of mercy, it was just an icing on the bloody cake to ensure fresh blood is guzzling in his veins.

Vlad teleported behind Ron and sank his teeth piercing Ron's neck.

With a swift pull his severed head was on the ground and Vlad relishing the taste he has been wanting to taste past 2000 years.

All the red bubbled blood with a hint of rainbowy pink just oozed out and all he did was taste his fingers under the rain of blood.

This was his moment, the moment he knew everything about Ron, his life, wife, kids, families everything that belonged to Ron.

That sense of satisfaction, the thirst for more was evident with that wide grin larger than any human.

It was all fun for this devil.

He knew some dumbass will open his cage one way or the other.

I knew my time had come, I couldn't muster the courage to defend myself from a beastly ungodly creature that plagued millenia ago.

I just waited, accepting my fate, my whole life flashing right in-front of me. I gazed down keeping my eyes shut tight never to see him face to face. He knows no matter how bloodshot his eyes look he can enchant anyone with that piercing gaze.


Still Nothing.

Why isn't he killing me?

Am I dead already?

Is he gone?

No.. He is waiting, waiting for me to open my eyes and look around.

He preys on fear and I can't be fearful.

But..how long do I wait?

He's stalking me, just waiting, this can't be!

If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna face him, live or die it doesn't matter, I won't let him feed on my fear.

With that sudden inner strength I opened my eyes and...

There ain't no one.

But How?

He was right in-front of me.

He killed Ron.

Did he spare me? My eyes were filled to the brim.

I was saved!

Wait... What?

Why are my hands all bloodied?

Did I...

NO... NO! I can't and I won't

This is not possible.

Why my mouth tastes all blood?

Is this the curse the villagers warned us of?

No. Its not me. I have not Killed Ron.

No human has power enough to rip someone's head off with a bite.

Or am I infected.

Is this some sort of virus?

This coffin with just an X markings was an indicator. How could I miss something like this?

I feel weak, thirsty, something ancient has awakened within me. I feel no fear I need blood.

Why do I need blood?

(Your thirst will never end)

Who's this?

(I'm you. I'm the part the society teaches you to suppress. I'm the wrong your parents trained you to avoid. I'm death, I'm stink, I'm all you never wanted to be)

NO! I won't kill anymore.

(You won't have to, The next person your hunger will lead you towards is the next haven I possess, Then I'll Kill you, Butcher your body, remove your innards and entrails, chomp your bone and relish your meat)


(End of recording)

Dr. HIMA was found by our Wolf ops team butchering a 4 year old kid. She has been placed in Quarantine past 6 months, she's been diagnosed with accute schizophrenia and split personality disorder where she can transfer her conditions to someone else. This has never been encountered, doctors are placed behind a 14 inch thick shatter proof mirrored glass for observation she is responsible for the death of 11 doctors, 547 agents and 3 agents fo class-4B has to be sacrificed just to ensure she is fed properly.

This message must be delivered to Potus before 47:59:58

Signed By:

GEN. Sec. Of Defence

AB Arthur.

© A Bookworm