

No more of your mettlesome ways, God
I yelled at God that I had finished with being with men. I was through. I want no man, and I'd rather be alone and happy. Then, complete and miserable. Yet, God, once again, you get involved in my life and put another wart instead of a prince in my path, but God, I beg of you, how many warts must I suffer from being in my life until I have to say enough of your mettlesome ways. I, from this day on, will ignore the men you put In front of me because I've done hurting, but they can just move on. I say to you God no more I will follow your words, but not the men whom you put in front of me. I will not endure anymore warts that you feel are worthy of me, God, because the only one person who is worthy of me is myself.
© JenWikket