

Independence Day
Tulika was frantic. She hurriedly parked her car and almost ran towards her house. With shivering hands, she opened the lock of the door dropping the keys twice. On reaching the room she bolted the door and pulled the curtains. Throwing her black leather shoulder purse on the couch, she sat on the red Turkish carpet and started to cry. She hasn’t felt so angry and helpless before.
After a while when she calmed a little, Tulika got up, washed her face and changed her messed up clothes. She went to the bar cabinet, picked up a bottle of wine but then she thought of her husband and his disapproving face and kept the bottle back. The wine was a collector’s edition and he had bought it from one of his business trips and was kept exclusively to be opened on his promotion which is due next month. She remembered when on her birthday last month, she tried to open it to celebrate how he took it from her hand and kept it back glaring at her. She pours herself a large vodka and goes to the couch.
To get her mind off the things which were disturbing her she puts on the television. Today being Independence Day that was the theme everywhere in most channels. On some news channel she hears a politician of some party mentioning how India struggled for it’s Independence and how it is a free nation now. The politician was giving examples, proving how much progress the country has done since independence, how empowered a woman is etc. etc. This led Tulika back to her thoughts and she started pondering about the events of the day and her life.
Tulika had always been an independent minded and ambitious girl. Since her school days she was quite competitive and used to put all her efforts in excelling, whether it was in academic or non-academic activities. Being from a small town and a conservative family she had to live under so many restrictions all through her growing life which made her crave for freedom to make her own decisions and live her life her own way. After getting a job in a multinational firm, she moved to Delhi because of her posting. She thought that now with her financial independence she will be free, but she soon realised that wasn’t the case when she was asked to marry the groom chosen by her father. No, she wasn’t given a choice in making her life’s one of the most pivotal decisions. Tulika did try to raise her concern of marrying someone whom she hasn’t even seen but her voice wasn’t given any heed. In two lines she was told that the family is a businessman family of which he is the younger son who manages the business in Delhi and was shown the photograph of her would be husband.
Tulika out of curiosity and to get further information did searched the profile of Raghav, her would be on various social media sites. The information she got through various pictures posted and various posts relieved her a little. Raghav had posted pictures of his travel to different countries and places, with his friends, both boys and girls and also many of his posts were about how much he respects and looks up to the opposite gender and their achievements or support on protest against various atrocities. This gave her an impression that unlike her father Raghav is open minded and would surely give her the freedom and respect she is looking for and her life would change.
After marriage she realised that all the open mindedness of Raghav is limited to his social media posts only. She was supposed to behave and act like a typical conservative Indian bahu, with a pallu on head in front of in-laws and elders and who was supposed to keep all possible fasts for the betterment of husband and family. Yet being the hypocrite, he was he married her because she was working in a multinational firm and this will boost his social status. Yes, that was all her job was to him and his family, a thing of show off to say in front of their relatives and friends.
On one side Tulika was supposed to cook, manage home, do the regular chores, attend all the functions and puja ceremonies at relatives, be quiet and follow instructions and on the other hand she was also supposed to do the job, attend business and social parties, look hot and act like a social butterfly.
Tulika had no option but to adjust with the ever-increasing demands. She took it as her destiny and was just going with the flow. Even though it meant for her to compromise with the life she wanted to live and which she had craved for till date.
Her only solace was the job she was doing. At least that made her financially independent, so what if she wasn’t allowed to spend her money the way she wanted to or whomever she wanted to.
She has worked hard for past 5 years in this firm. On multiple occasions she has proved herself an asset to the firm. Her colleagues both male and female were mostly jealous of her and thought of her as a threat. Only very few including her ex-boss appreciated her efforts and smart work.
Her ex-boss, oh how she missed working under him. He always used to appreciate and encourage her and had given her three promotions, though they were small but at least it did meant recognition of her efforts. Sadly, he was shifted to a new role and also a new city. The new boss who has joined just 6 months back was a complete opposite. He was completely biased to the gender. On several deals he had given the credit to the male colleagues even if they haven’t put half of the efforts, she did. But even after all this she was hopeful that she would soon be getting the big promotion due to her past couple of years and which her ex-boss had assured her that she will surely get it this year. Today, all her hopes have come crashing down.
The promotion was announced and it was given to one of her less deserving male colleague who didn’t even have half the experience and was just an expert in flattery. She was left sulking. But today she lost her control and decided to confront her boss. So, she went to him and asked her the reason why was she not given the promotion though she deserved it. Her boss mocked her and replied back saying if she wants a promotion then it’s not only her efforts towards her job that matters but she has to go out of the way to show she deserves the promotion by spending more time with him during and after office hours and doing as per his expectations. Adding that this shouldn’t be difficult for her as she has been doing the same with her ex-boss in order to get promotions. While saying this the way he looked at her with that mocking smile gave her shivers. She felt disgusted and humiliated.
Unable to control her anger she ran out of the office just managing somehow to keep a brave face and not letting her tears give way. She was literally shaking with anger and resentment while driving back to her home. On the way back Tulika couldn’t control and called Raghav, who was out of Delhi for some business purposes. When she narrated him the incident, to her disbelief he didn’t sound bothered at all. Instead, he asked her to forget about the incident and ignore it as promotion or no promotion it didn’t matter. She was anyways working just for the sake. Moreover, he blamed her decision to confront her boss for the indecent remark. So, he asked her to behave as if nothing happened, adjust and go with the flow. Tulika was dumbfounded. She was completely taken aback with this unexpected attitude of her husband.
Suddenly her thought process breaks with the sound of her cell phone ringing. She ignored it.
Tulika was overwhelmed with emotions. She started thinking is this what she wanted in life? Is this is what freedom is? Is this the progress country has made? Is this what is called women empowerment which everyone is gung-ho about? Here anyone can ask anything from the Prime Minister but a woman can’t raise her concerns anywhere. A rape here is noticed only if its politically inclined and has happened with a minority or a Dalit. Just being a woman is just not enough. Here even the army attack on terrorist is questioned but a woman can’t question her husband. Is this what is free India all about? Have we truly got freedom from our age-old rusty traditions and conservative thought process? With freedom comes responsibilities and also consequences. Are they as a country responsible enough? Then suddenly it strikes her. What about her is she ready to take the responsibility to gain her freedom and is she brave enough to face the consequences?
Tulika gets up, opens the bar cabinet and pulls out the same wine bottle. This time she doesn’t hesitates and uncorks the bottle. After all the decision she has just made calls for a celebration. This was just a first step towards her decision, towards her freedom. She was ready to be independent.
Yes, today is her Independence Day.

© agypsysoul

#thoughtsofagypsysoul #kuchkahikuchankahi