

Demons are everywhere
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? Scared of her own thoughts stepped out of her house. It was four in the morning and it felt like she was talking to three people in her mind. It was horrifying but for some reason she chose to follow the path. She told her mind to shut up and kept moving. The voices were the only friends she got. For this reason she did not care even when they became aggressive. The first one shouted in agitation "You don't deserve this pain, just free yourself from this never ending suffering." The second voice was confident while telling her to keep running, running away from 'every ray of hope'. She was disheartened but kept her pace. Suddenly a guy in black hoodie came out of the woods. He was staring Raina, right into her stone cold eyes. She saw something strange in those eyes as she took a step towards him in haste, the third voice growled "Stop! Don't trust him, he'll kill you!" She stopped and turned her face to the road in fear with her hands covering her head. She shouted in tears "Just go away!,leave me alone". The guy with silver eyes smiled at her tears and said "You don't want that". She stared at him in astonishment and told him angrily "Just go away". The guy came closer as she stepped back. Now the three voices broke out at the same time, "Rrun!Ruuun!Runnn!". A slightly low voice suggested "let him stay". She cried "No! I can't" As the guy came closer the low voice became louder and assuring "He won't harm you". Something was very different about that night as Raina chose to stay. Just when she was busy listening to the voices and staring deeply at the road, Mohit held her hand. There was this softness in those hands that calmed her soul. The voices started fading away, only one voice was left in her mind that said "You can trust him". As Raina looked up searching for a ray of hope, Mohit's eyes reassured her that he'll stay. Through the tears of failure, a smile of hope flourished. A tight hug made her a woman of courage. He said "I'm proud of you".
It was not too late when she realized that the only demons she needed to fight were breeding in her own mind. Raina told Mohit about the voices and he listened. The lovestory begun there with her words and his ears.
© आरूषि