

Seeing Beyond The Veil
June 1, 1924:

I cannot believe what I have seen. It defies all explanation, all reason. I was out camping in the woods when I saw it. The sky opened up, and I saw things that no human was ever meant to see. The stars themselves seemed to writhe and twist, as if alive. I felt a madness creeping over me, a madness that I cannot shake. I cannot sleep, cannot eat, cannot think of anything else but what I have seen.

June 6, 1924:

The visions are getting worse. I see things that should not be, things that defy all logic and reason. I cannot describe them, for there are no words to capture their horror. I feel as if my mind is being pulled apart, piece by piece. I cannot escape the madness that grips me, cannot find peace or solace anywhere.

June 8, 1924:

I have tried to tell others, to warn them of the horrors that lurk just beyond our sight. But no one will listen to me. They call me crazy, a lunatic, a madman. They do not understand the things that I have seen, the things that I know to be true. I am alone in my madness, alone in my terror.

July 16, 1924:

The visions come more frequently now, and they are more vivid, more intense. I see things that I cannot even begin to describe. I see vast, ancient cities, sprawling across the cosmos. I see beings of unimaginable power and intelligence, beings that dwarf us in every way. And I see something else, something that fills me with a dread beyond words. Something that is coming, something that will destroy us all.

July 22, 1924:

I have stopped sleeping. Every time I close my eyes, I see the visions again. They haunt me, torment me, never letting me rest. I am tired, so tired, but I cannot sleep. I fear that if I do, I will never wake up again. The madness is consuming me, devouring me from the inside out.

August 2, 1924:

I have started to hear voices, whispers in my ear that no one else can hear. They tell me things, secrets of the universe that should be kept hidden. They tell me that I am the only one who can stop what is coming, that I must act before it's too late. I do not know if these are the voices of angels or demons, of truth or madness. But I cannot ignore them.

August 16, 1924:

I have begun to see things that...that cannot be. I see myself in various stages and states of decay, amusingly torturing those around me. Harming, killing, grinning. Yet when I hold a blink for more time than a shudder, they are not there. Shadows that twist and writhe, things moving just out of my line of sight. I know that they are not real, but I cannot shake the feeling that they are watching me, waiting for me. The madness is growing stronger, driving me further and further from sanity.

August 21, 1924:

I have stopped eating. The very thought of food makes me sick to my stomach. I know that I need sustenance to survive, but I cannot bring myself to eat. Every time I try, I see the visions again, and the terror grips me once more. I am wasting away, but I cannot stop it.

September 3, 1924:

I have started to believe that I am not alone in my madness. I feel as if there are others out there, others who have seen the same horrors that I have. But they are hiding, keeping their knowledge to themselves, afraid of being labeled as madmen like me. I wish I could find them, talk to them, share our knowledge of the cosmic horrors that lurk just beyond our sight.

September 8, 1924:

The end is near. I can feel it, looming over me like a dark cloud. I know that I cannot stop it, cannot change what is coming. But I will not go quietly into that good night. I will fight, to the very end, against the darkness that threatens to consume us all. Even if it means that I must embrace the madness, even if it means that I must sacrifice everything that I am. For the sake of humanity, I will not give up.

September 10, 1924

The cool touch of Death embraces me against what threads of will I cling to. I write this as the abominations have emptied my mind and replaced it with their filth. I must remove it...cut it out. yes I... I must cut it. Flay the flesh and ooze the putrid decay of cosmic knowledge and unspeakable incomprehension. I will be gone soon...I know all now yet I am empty.
Yog-Sothoth IS THE GATE

© 2023 R.A. McKinnley

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