

Acknowledgement and Gratitude

A life full of many successes is also considered a happy life only when you have maintained your mental balance with those successes and have been grateful to every person who has been the reason and supporter of your success. The reason is those people who condemn because it is right to show them but we have achieved success. And allies are those people who stand together even in failures. This is possible only when you keep your mental state balanced even in times of failure and criticism and achieve your successes by being happy in all kinds of environments.

If they achieve success by doing anything but lose their mental balance and also lose their colleagues, relatives and companions, then it is not considered a success. Because of such successes, we cannot get satisfaction and happiness. And success doesn't matter without happiness.

If you have not achieved much success, but you are living happily with mental balance, satisfaction, simplicity and your relatives and companions, then still you have the meaning of a happy life. This book expresses gratitude to all those who have taught me such meaning in life.

© Sunita Saini (Rani)
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