

Love with same sex part 2
And atlast what she said before leaving was shocking.....
She said "I've always wanted to talk with you but you never seem to be interested to talk with anyone so I thought I better stay away" I was really shocked that I couldn't reply to her..... efore leaving she took my line Id....We used to chat whole day without getting bored...She used to ask me"what would you do when I will be my girl" and I used to reply"that would be my luckiest day ever".....
One day I decided to propose her.....and I was sure her reply will be positive...
and I wrote "hey girl" on line.....and she replied with smily emoji.and when i said i wanted to say her something she said that she knows what am i going to ask..And she also said that her reply is "YES" I was so happy that my eyes filled with tears...
we both were really happy with each other's company we used to meet once in a week and do crazy things that she like....
So like that our fourth anniversaries came and i was planning to give her a surprise...i called her but there was no reply...this was the first time that she didn't replied to my call...I thought she was busy with her studies....after many weeks later she called and I picked up the phone and I said where have you been?I was trying to reach you but you didn'tpick up my call?why?"There was so many questions unanswered and after a long paused she said in a small voice?I want to come over at your place can I ?"I was shocked and I asked "why?" I was shocked because this was the first time she wanted to come over my place usually she never agreed to come over my place....she requested me and agreed....It was our fourth year anniversary and I was preparing to surprise her....and the bell rang... I got ready and opened the door and suddenly after opening the door i felt a something cold on my lips....Yes! she kissed me.....and she was with tears..My heart felt so heavy and burst up with tears ....I kissed her back...and I let her in and asked her to cut the cake but there was no knifes and inwent to bring knife and when I came back she was not there...I got panicked and called her.
Her mother recieved the call and said "hello", I asked "where is May?"she burst up crying...after a while she said while crying "She died one month ago in accident"I felt dizzy and I fall on the floor and when I came back to my sense I saw her again she said" I didn't wanted your plan to go on vain, so I came here to make it successful...I am sorry I couldn't keep my promise to be with you forever....I Love you" and this was her last words...........
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