

NOT Wrong For Social Distancing In my Car
You know just when you think
this days confusion is over
up comes another situation.
So I am trying to rest in my cat
when a crowd of people want to
talk right on front of my car.
And say they can bother me
or go talk at people.
So I role down my window
what seems to be the problem.
You do like us
you don't be outside all the time around us.
Well where am I now out side
there you answered your own question
I am asimtmatic so my car with the windows rolled up is the safest
place for me.
And you all who are y'all to
question me about who I am
And what I do anytime
of the day.
I don't believe you are caring for me
right so why worry others about
That could make some situations
really tense if everyone once
there way.
While I am trying to.
Deal with my own
pandemic situation
So social distance
And don't feel.
Upset by me keeping all of you safe
by being in my car.
Sometimes you want to clear your head and think.
Not always trying. to be in everyone
else's details.
So I role my window back up.
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