

My love for virtual designs

It could be baffling how much I love graphic designs almost to the point of obsession.

suffice to say, I really love graphic designs or virtual designs in general.

There've been lot of controversies which negates the joy I have for designs...

You can't begin to imagine hy relation with this.

I find this as an avenue to express myself better infact, I express myself better on it than every other ramifications of my hobbies.

Many a times, I suffer from the inability of others or someothers to understand my expression.

The thought of this stings my heart and my heart wails and shudder just thinking about it.

well, I think I'm really getting to the point of not accepting negative comments in relation to my passion for designs.

in summary, I really love designs and my love for it grows stronger day by day...
© jhaybarddaily