

The watching mouse
The mouse crept through the silent house in search of its nightly meal. It's ears pricked at the scream, causing it to stand on its hind legs to spot the source. When the body came crashing down, it scampered away with its tiny heart beating fiercely. Longingly it looked at the food now just out of reach thanks to the inconsiderate body now laying close by. He knew he could get to the food but the risk was now way too high. Humans were the worst and we're always trying to kill mice. This one could just be playing dead and if he went too near then that was it good night Viena. Nope, time to go home plus there was the sound of more humans coming. The mouse scurried under a chest of draws and watched as two men came running in.

"Check for a pulse."

One of the men said to the other.

"You check why should I be the one touching a corpse if she is dead now."

"Because I said it first. Now get on with it."

The skinnier of the two men leaned down placing two fingers on her throat. He looked back to his partner grinning.

"I think we killed the bitch."

While he was looking back to his friend he didn't see the woman turn to look at him and smile.

"Guess again bitch." She said.