

a dad who had a life which is either rich or poor we call it a life where needed are bought.
His family were shifted to a beautiful place where it is peaceful and after few days of staying there was a situation at evening time there was a heavy rain which caused a power blackout and after few hours every house got the current back but not his house because there was a loose connection so he tried to call a electrician and he told he will be within an hour.
Now with no current he and his family couldn't sleep inside the room and also the mosquitos were troubling them and he again called the electricians but this time his mobile was switched off.
so he and his family decided to go to the terrace to atleast get a fresh air , and then they took their pillows and tried to sleep but there was a fresh air but mosquitos were troubling them he couldn't see his family in that situation and they spent the day with struggle.
the next day the dad bought a generator when even when the current go there won't be any blackout and put a mosquito nets and happily lived.

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