

I Have My Reasons
The reason behind the things I do is unknown to you or known to very few. The few who really understand what I'm and who I'm. The deeper meaning lies inside everything. It is not in understandable format.
I do because it pleasures me. You may or may not like. I'm here for self and because of self.
We easily start judging others despite of little knowledge of what they are going through. We always fail to step into their shoes. It easy to mock but it's difficult to digest when mocked. If you can't compliment then don't comment also. It requires a lot of courage to face the world which constantly puts you down.
Hence, I respect the individuality, independence, and self respect of the person irrespective of the identity he possess. It's very hard and rare to be true in this fake world.
Even the smile is artificial and created by filters.
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