

A man Named L
When I was a child people told me that Love can't be described by words it is felt within .
As I grow old when I started to see a lot of people with different personalities and of course fell inlove to a man with the same age, it was wonderful moment where it feels like their is no tomorrow.
His name is L, he has a beautiful smile the reason why i fell inlove to him deeply.
But not all love story has a happy ending mine is a bit complicated. I know that all action has consequences either I have to take all the angle especially in love we always have the ending not what we expected.
L decided to pursue me but I have thought all my plans for my career not wanting him to be by myside anymore. I thought my career would go as plan like the ending of my love story it is not. Torn between love and career I chose career.
Once in awhile me and L talked but the love we shared has fade it is literally the feelings has gone. Perhaps it is not love after all?
No I think the feelings I felt for him was real, as pure as crystal although what I chose has a result which is differ ,the love I felt for him that moment I considered to be the love that got away.