

Naim Akbar called it slavery scars: just call it trauma
Prince in his song Electric Chair, sang about evil thoughts that people don't act on. Like the Characters Clay Clay &/Walker Vessels in Amiri Barakas brilliant plays, I'm guilty for what goes on in my mind...Dare I admit that I want justice for all those Africans that died during the middle passage in route to what became western civilization. Dare I admit that I want White people who now benefit from the legacy of slavery to receive the just deserts their ancestors missed out on for 200 or more years of the slavery in my native land: the united States of America... These thoughts were tucked away in my colonised black English men mind but I now bare them with you &/ all other's. In my mind I slay dragons, and in my mind, The racist hypocritical White Man is under my feet & defeated like the victims he has conquered in mind body & spirit. In my mind, I can call him a devil & not recoil, equivocate, or compromise.
In my mind, I don't have to back peddle when I tell him & his lackeys to F off. In my own mind, I said it & I meant it.
Further, In my own mind, I can beat him in a fair fight without his Army, Navy, Air force & Marine & leave my home fly in enemy space without a passport & brag to everyone in the world that like Jack Johnson beat all the great white hopes like Gary Cooper beat all the bandits in high noon..I beat the White man without a suckerpunch or hitting him below the belt..In my mind, I admit I am a legend.. I can do to his women disrespectfully I might add all the thing's he did to my great grandmothers when to him they were just a piece of tail if I might be frank..In my mind vengeance is not the lord Gods but mine to dish out..Dig it. My mind, my fantasy, my mutha fucking business.. dig it? Did I say my fantasy of revenge against the white man is in technicolor.. Ouch!
© Timo5272