

According to Dwain Part 2
According to Dwain Part 2
Since I have already shared with you the drive through incident and why anyone mentions burgers I cringe ,I thought you could use some current news straight from the frontline. According to me, that kid Dwain.
Recently, I have come to notice a peculiar glitch my Mom seems to have, among other things of course. This glitch, now that I really notice it, is absolutely, hands down, her worst trait yet!
Have you ever had a conversation with your Mom, and it turned out feeling as if a Hi jacker took off in the convo plane, leaving you utterly misheard and hopeless? Well I have. My Mom happe s to be the hi jacker and anything I try to say is what she flies off with.
That is funny, you might say. But I say it is far from funny when its your plan getting hijacked, especially when it was carrying some very important information that almost always is time-sensitive.
This rare condition, or glitch you might say, is commonly known as interrupting. Quite rude if you ask me. I find it kind of ironic how it is something my Mom often scolds myself and my little brother for doing to her. Yeah! That is right folks, Mom considers it an extreme form of disrespect, mostly when it is done to her or another adult.
How do I deal with this? Don’t even ask. So far, not very well. It causes me to feel a rush of hot fiery anger that makes my head feel like it is going to boil so hot it might explode. That is not an exaggeration either.
Sometimes, it frusterates me to tears. Please do not tell anyone. That is between me and you. Very serious situation you can see I am dealing with. It isnt a once and awhile thing either.
It seems that since I have noticed it, she does it more and more. I almost wish she did her whole burger skit every day if it meant not to constantly run into this mega-glitch she has going on.
When I point it out. She just says, “ oh honey Im sorry I will work on that”, and continues cutting me off from whatever it was I was wanting to say. Or another response is, “ no, you interrupted me”. Which sometimes she is right. But not that much, just ask me. I know.
I wonder if this is something that can actually be corrected, ya know? Like permanently. Maybe there is a Mom collar that can like buzz her when she glitches until viola! No more glitch!
Maybe I could invent one. Maybe. Or what if they have an app on the Playstored for this sort of thing. I would definitely invest in it. Although from my understanding, it is a character defect she always talks about with her friends.
These character defect things are behaviors that from what I gather, are totally fixable. Only problem is, my Mom has gotta want to fix it because they say she would be the only one who can.
How do I tell her she has a major defect that is making her character unlivable-with to her kids? Without making her mad.
I guess I should do some research on the subject. It cant be too hard to figure out. I mean, as long as it doesn’t involve communication or Mother Son sit down type of a talk I should be able to address it before it gets any more out of hand. Right?
I decided that a serious talk with my Mom was exactly what I was going to do. I have also decided to call it an Intervention for cereal Interupters. Pun intended.

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