

You are like a seed now I know your thinking a seed ? yes a seed that's meant to bloom but in order to bloom you need space to grow...
In life everyone experience different things in life some people grow up on love and some people wish they had that ...

Samantha & Jane

Samantha comes from a wealthy family
Jane comes from a not so wealthy family

Samantha & Jane
are best friends

Samantha I'm so rich this is so amazing I wish your family had money like mine

Jane it's ok some people are lucky

See samantha has it all and jane is ok with not having much as kids samantha and jane was always together barley apart now samantha and jane are adults

Samantha hi best friend

Jane hi what's wrong ?

Samantha I have all this money and I'm still not happy

Jane money buy you the things that make you happy but happiness starts within

Samantha I don't know how to be happy as a kid my parents always gave me whatever I wanted so I didn't worry about anything else now I'm an adult and I'm lost

Jane it's ok we will get through it together

Samantha thanks I love you so much

Jane anything for you , I love you more

Samantha how are you so happy?

Jane as a kid I didn't have money for nice things so I had to learn everything the hard way and having my family was everything my mom guided me through everything my dad my siblings I had the love I needed to grow into this amazing person I am right now

Samantha guess I just had the money

Jane what do you mean ?

Samantha I never experienced the love you have my parents planted the seed but didn't grow it properly , you bloomed perfectly

Jane whew I wouldn't say that my flower broke apart a couple of times

Samantha really ?

Jane yeah , in order for a flower to bloom the soil must be fresh and pure (Love) then you plant the seed ( Baby ) in order for that seed to bloom into something so amazing and beautiful you have to give it water ( nurture ) and sun light ( Growth ) because if you don't (Damage ) your flower won't bloom into the beautiful flower it's meant to be

Samantha guess I'm a late bloomer

Jane and that's ok a perfect flower needs time & Patience's

© Queen Pooh Rainbow