

On the 22nd of January, standing in unified silence they held hands, paying
silent homage to the early morning sun. It was a ritual they never missed
except that time when Samantha, their calico cat, gave birth to a litter of
kittens – one white, the other a calico like their mother with the rest a mixture
of black and grey. The woman and the man each had their thoughts. Hers
along the lines of getting manicure and pedicure in preparation for Gina’s party
on weekend’s, calling Nina about the fabric she had in store… the list was
endless. The man’s thoughts were more direct – work. Plans to attend a trade
show in Milan. Returning Tony, his COO’s calls. Responding to a spattering of
emails… and she thought of the news she would like to unbox on him. It has
been a cocktail of emotions bubbling beneath the surface, waiting all week to
gush out. She hoped he would be pleased considering that she had mixed
feelings because of their ages. Both were in their 40s with a dividing between
their ages. She had gone for her regular appointment with her doctor on
Wednesday to confirm what she knew to be true. She sat on the news for what
she hoped was a valid reason because with him you never know. “Greg, I have
something to tell you” she said in a low tone. Turning to her with a smile that
rivals the sun, his nod made her hesitant but nothing could be wrong if he was
smiling like that. “We are having a baby”. She watched the play of emotions on
his face, silently likening them to the myriad of expression displayed on
theatrical plays. “Are you sure Sun of my life?” Greg asked. “Perfectly, Doctor
Armstrong confirmed it. Are you happy?”. She searched his face for a clue,
anything to be sure that he was a ecstatic as she was. But Greg had never been
one to show his emotions. People who barely knew him thought him aloof and
a boor which proved false because to her he was the most emotional guy she
had ever known. But now… he was standing as still as the statue she had seen
on their last vacation to Zambia. Then an idea fluttered in. What if she poke
him? She had watched a documentary about an unassuming man who
prodded a sleeping lion with a stick and didn’t live to tell the tale. And there
was that saying about how poking a bear was not the smartest of ideas. At that
last thought, she giggled. The sound did what no poking could have done for
Greg suddenly lifted her off her feet. “I am happy. I am elated my darling” Greg
sang. When the world stopped spinning, she asked the first question
uttermost in her mind, “why were you so quiet?”. “I was? I hadn’t noticed”.
Rolling her eyes she sighed in relief. Men!!! He was happy, she was excited and everything was fine. All her fears and anxiety disappeared like yesterday’s bad
© sailabby