

Part-24 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi
Hey Dear Readers
How are y'all?
Hope you are all well and enjoying the story ❤️
Here's the new part ....

In the previous chapter 📑📚🖋️

Avantika suffered a physical assault from Rohan, leaving her injured and emotionally distressed. Naina offered support and tried to conceal the truth from Ishaan, but eventually revealed everything. Ishaan, enraged by what he learnt, confronted the situation, determined to confront Rohan. Avantika and Naina try to stop him, but his anger drives him to make Rohan pay for Avantika's suffering.


Avantika ran in her full speed, behind Ishaan, putting all her strength in and shouted, "Ishaan... stop... listen to me." Her voice reflected her concern for Ishaan. But today, Ishaan was not himself; he completely ignored her voice and continued moving towards his car.

Sitting in the car, he turned on the ignition, and as the car moved forward, Avantika all of a sudden stood in front of it. Ishaan forcefully applied the brakes and shouted at her "Avantika, move away, I will show that guy his place today."

Avantika said, "I won't let you go anywhere, no matter what happens."

Ishaan tried hard, but she outright refused to move from in front of the car. In his frustration he fiercely punched the steering wheel and got out of the car. His anger was beyond the seventh sky.

He said to Avantika, "Today, no one can stop me, not even you..." and saying this, he started walking towards the society gate.

As he moved forward, Avantika ran towards him and with all her might caught him in her arms. She was determined to stop Ishaan. He tried hard to free himself, but Avantika didn't let go; she was firm in her decision.

Looking into Ishaan's eyes, she said, "Ishaan, Swear on me, you won't do anything." Ishaan refused to listen to her and kept trying to free himself.

She could see the rage and pain in Ishaan’s eyes. She felt deep regret for whatever had happened.

She continued, "I can understand what you're feeling right now, and I'm sorry for everything, but trust me, this won't happen again, ever. I promise I’ll make things right. I... I won't continue my relationship with Rohan anymore. I am going to break up with him."

Upon hearing this, Ishaan was also taken aback for a moment. Break up with Rohan? Did Avantika really say that? He couldn't believe his ears. Trying to grasp what she just said, he gave up trying to free himself. He just couldn't believe his ears.

Upon hearing Avantika's decision, he realized that she was right; him confronting Rohan directly wouldn't be appropriate.

After all, it was the matter between her and Rohan. Ishaan doesn't get a say in their relation. Upon Avantika's persuasion, his anger also subsided a bit. In his anger, he couldn't think that this could make things even more difficult for Avantika.

Avantika still held Ishaan in her arms tightly; even after he had stopped trying to break free. She didn't realize this and was still pleading to him not to go.

Seeing this, a faint smile appeared on Ishaan's face. In a way, Avantika had held him in her arms for quite some time; for him, nothing was more precious at that moment, so he stood there for a while.

He saw Naina looking at him from behind and smiling, as if she understood what was going on in Ishaan's mind.
Naina winked at him, signalling him to continue, as she went inside the building.

After a while, pretending to be angry, Ishaan said, "If that's the case, then fine, otherwise, today I was going to..."

Avantika looked at his face and gave him a sweet smile, saying, "That’s like a good boy." Ishaan also smiled at her; seeing Avantika smile like that made him feel as if after a long drought, it had started raining heavily.

This smile always dispelled all his sorrows. After all these years all it took was one smile from her that could change everything for Ishaan. After this, both of them went back to Avantika's flat and upon entering, they saw that Naina had prepared Maggi.

Naina said, "Come on, both of you, hurry up, hot Maggi is ready."

Ishaan also smiled and said, "Wow, Maggi... Naina, it must've been a lot of work for you,how did you manage all this so quickly?"

Naina understood his sarcasm and said, "Avantika loves the Maggi made out of my hands a lot. If you don't want to eat, it's okay."

Ishaan replied, "Who said I don't want to eat? Both of you should worry whether there will be any Maggi left for you or not."

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

After that, the three of them sat together and enjoyed the Maggi while Ishaan and Naina continued to joke around to cheer up Avantika. She smiled but still seemed lost in her thoughts.

She was quite tired, so after a while, she fell asleep on the couch.

Naina asked Ishaan, "Aren't you going to the court?"

To which Ishaan, looking at Avantika, smilingly replied, "Today, I don't want to go anywhere away from her."

Naina said, "Ok then, if you're staying with her, I'll do some office work. I've already taken leave for Avantika and work from home for myself today."

Ishaan nodded and said, "Yes, of course, you go ahead, I'm here."

After that, Naina went to her room. Ishaan brought a blanket from inside and covered Avantika with it. He then sat near her on a chair and gently brushed his hand over her forehead. After a while, Avantika fell into a deep sleep.

Ishaan softly said, "I could never tell you before, but today I want to say... I love you Avantika, more than any other thing in this world and I promise I’ll always be there for you."

Nearly an hour and a half later, when Naina came out of her room to get some water, she saw that Ishaan was dozing off on the chair, but his hand was still holding Avantika's hand. She felt both happy and sad for him, understanding how much pain he was in.

She went to him, put her hand on his shoulder, and said, "Ishaan, if you wanna sleep, then go inside and sleep properly." To which he replied with a yawn,"Umm...No,no... I am good."

Naina looked at him and asked again,"Are you okay? If there's something on your mind, you can share it with me."

Ishaan smiled and said, "What do I say, yaar? I can't even understand myself."

He took a deep breath and continued, "I feel so helpless, because of the promise she made me do. Every single day I see the most heinous offenders in the court, but I hate that guy Rohan more than anyone in the world whole world, for whatever he did with Avantika, I want to make him pay... but at the same time, I respect Avantika’s wishes, I don't want her to be more troubled in life... I love her so much, I want her to be happy. I know she can never be happy with Rohan, I want to give her every happiness she deserves, but I don't know if she will ever be able to love me?"

Naina comforted him, saying, "Don't lose hope, man, you are a good person and I am proud of that. I feel that one day, Avantika will understand your love."

Upon hearing this, Ishaan felt better and with a smile he said, "Thanks for talking to me Naina, I feel much lighter." Naina smiled and hugged him, saying, "Don't worry, everything will be fine soon."


That's the end of Part-24...🖋️
I hope you are enjoying the story....📑
Where do you think the story is heading to?
Will Avantika break up with Rohan?
How's Rohan gonna react?
Is this the beginning of a new possibility?
To find out ... Keep Reading ❤️

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