

Art Teacher
Toward the end of the year, she was on her way to perfection.

My favorite thing about her was that she showed her curiosity by sending her paintings to exhibitions and winning prize money. She also donated the prize money she received to NGOs and trusts.

Despite my failure to attain my ambition, she fulfilled mine and that is what all teachers want from their students to become successful individuals and contribute to their country.

Next morning……

I received a letter from one of the most respected trusts asking me to join their faculty. The next day I walked to my Aunt's house, but they seemed tense. I asked my Aunt what happened to Rosy? What happened to Rosy? Where is she?

The letter says that she is getting high college admissions, but she had to submit some of the details regarding her courier post yesterday. She sends her artwork, but she hasn't returned home yet.

Why didn’t you tell me? I was thinking about leaving, but she said, don't worry, I'll be back, but uncle arrived, aunt asked what happened and the incident ended her life.

What? This can't happen. . In those days too, I cried for the time I spent with her, which would never be able to be relived. Isn't it sad that I also lost my friend? When the letter dropped from my hand, I was happy on one side but grieved on the other.

The exhibition was carried where her paintings were the highest paid ones, cheques were given to My Uncle and My Uncle gave it to me saying that what is the use of such cash which can’t give me happiness all I earn for my family till now but it seems to me I don’t need this money more, please you take it.

I said, I never dreamt of being in such a position. It was just because you, Uncle, Aunt, and Rosy brought me here.

She has taught me that one can do many things without a degree and one can achieve much without a degree.

I have also learned a lot from her. She is my inspiration, and I am her friend. I served her as a teacher and she served me as a master.

How can I take this? It's all yours.

My uncle suggested that we create an institute so that I could teach many people so that they could see the world through their talent. Also, I told Uncle to start collecting items again, as the hobby which lies within us must not fade away.

I remember only one thing about Rosy, she always laughed and made everyone happy with her paintings, which were somehow connected to your dream.

You should be happy that your daughter is doing well and will be happy forever.

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