

Me a disable person
Joy is my name. There is joy only in name, not in my life. My life has been full of sorrow ever since I was born.

I can't sit or walk on my own, if I try to stand I fall to the ground within a second. Can't even lie down on my bed by myself.

This is what I have always thought since childhood, looking at other children of my age.

When will this day come to me? When I can walk on my own feet! And when should I eat food with my own hands?

I have seen my mother's eyes filling with tears many times when neighbors come and ask her about me.

I thought many times... why... God why?

Why am I born like this? Neither are my mom and dad getting any happiness from me. One day feels like a year to me. Everyone is doing something... Here it's like time has stopped for me. Which I can't even move forward.

I am currently 28 years old. ( laughs sadly) For these 28 years I have been feeling as if I had just been born. My mom is staying around me and taking care of me.

Sometimes I feel that I am just a burden to my parents. I can't do anything physically. And I can't even speak well because I stammer a lot.

All parents dream from their children that their children will take care of them after they get old..

Would my mom and dad think like this about me too?

One day I don't even know what happened to me, my mom was mopping. And I called my mom and said:

"Mom, I think I should die... (Hearing this my mom started looking at me with surprise, she came closer to me)
How long will you continue taking care of me like this... I can't help you and dad in your work.
I am hating myself. When you are worried, I don't even know how to comfort you. Just like other children comfort their parents.

(After hearing these things, my dad left his office work from his room and came to us)

I have no expectations from myself... If both of you had left me after my birth, you would not have had to see this day."

My mom came close to me and slapped my cheeks hard. I saw tears falling one after another from my mom's eyes, that too without stopping.

My dad's eyes also filled with tears but he did not want to show it to me. So he went back to his room.

My mom: Did someone bothered you, son? huh? How did you even think like this? You are special for me and dad. No matter how you are, you are born from me and you are my blood. After all, how did you think that me and your dad will throw you away??

My mom came to me and hugged me tightly.

Two years have passed... My treatment started. I encouraged myself and left all negative thoughts behind and started thinking positive.

I thought I would have to spend my whole life alone like this. But later I found her. She accepted me, no matter how i am.

Then we got married... My physical health also slowly started improving. I can now eat food slowly and slowly with my hands.

A year later our children were born. Two twins were born, a boy and a girl. With their birth in our house, the happiness of the house increased doubly.

What I couldn't do in past, Now my wife and my kids are spending time with my parents today.

They are giving my parents the happiness that I always wanted to give them.

And now I'm feel very blessed...

The End

© siyu_story