

BLoG: The Pursuit of Happiness
The pursuit of happiness is a radical path! It can be so simple or so complicated. You can take the easy road or the hard road. You can even take the high road in some cases. In fact, for some it is pure insanity what they must go through or what they put themselves through to find their happiness. For some must go to the extreme to find it.

The pursuit of happiness is different for each one of us. We seek out different life styles, different thrills in life. We obviously have such different goals in life. Life for us looks different here on the ground compared to the views and sights someone might see, climbing at such heights. Some of us even excel to great heights using only our hands/senses to guide us! Like the gentleman in the picture. We each have our own path. Each path is so different. He allows his life to hang in the balance, but these are the choices we make and we must live with that! He knows he's risking his own life, but he LooVes what he is doing and will continue to do so no matter the cost. Why, because it makes him happy. We must chase/acquire our dreams and goals at any cost. Some might say go out on a limb, if you must, but find your happy place no matter what.

We must seek out our happiness at whatever means necessary. Be it scaling cliffs or your own variation of taking risks we are all in the pursuit of happiness. Some of us prefer to keep our feet on the ground while doing so.
But these climbers take us to new heights and new levels of self exploration. Where the only thing you must conquer are your fears and the elements. Such an incredible feat and zest for life unlike I've ever seen. I could not do free climbing like this, but I admire his spirit. Here's to the pursuit of happiness no matter what it may look like.

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