

C O L S O N (Parts 1,2, and 3)
Cover made by one of the awesomest friends ever. Thank you very much!


This story takes place on January 19th- January 23rd, 2015. This whole story goes on in the place of New York and takes place in the fictional town of Grainsbourg. This story focuses on Colson Matthews, an eighteen year old male who has recently discovered his best friend, Maxine Taylor, has gone missing. As stupid as it may sound, he wants to solve this case to find out where she may have gone, but not without someone tagging along, Megan Pryler. They'll try their best to find out what happened, together.

Chapter One: News

I'd be on a couch, drinking a cold glass of water. The TV was currently on a sports channel, specifically football. I'd turn off the lamp right next to me, as it was nighttime that this had happened at.

Me: "Honestly wondering if I should sleep."

I yawned, I was pretty tired, but that's when I had gotten a text. It was from my bestie, Maxine. It said this:

"Hey, I'll be going soon, bye."

I was super confused as to what she meant. Maybe she was hanging out with her girl friends? Probably, she was the type who partied a lot. I texted back:

"Alright, stay safe Max."

I then decided to put my phone away, after about fifteen minutes though, there was no text back from her. She was probably just partying.

I was about to sleep, but I fought the urge, and man am I glad that I did. If I had gone to sleep, I would have missed some very important news. I decided to turn the channel over to display the news, not even hours after she had texted me, she had gone missing.

Me: "..Maxine? What happened to you? No no, this can't be real right? How could she? No, not her-"

I leaned forwards, the picture shown right next to the reporter had been one of her most recent. I know because she liked to send her selfies to people, like a lot.

It was one of her things I guess. Anyways, after learning of that news, I turned off the television relatively quickly. I went over to my laptop in my room and opened up my phone, I clicked on the picture and downloaded it. Man I sure am glad that she had sent that photo to me. She probably sent it to other people too though, since she had a selfie habit.

Me: "Alright, missing person posters, right…."

I sent the photo over to my computer, opened an app and started making some, just a few. After that was done, I printed them out and they were ready to go. Now, I needed my sleep.

Me: "This whole thing starts tomorrow.."

I lay my head on a pillow, and go to sleep. It'd probably be hard, knowing that she was still missing, but I'm not the world's greatest detective. I needed to get to the bottom of this.

Chapter Two: Beginning

I wake up with sweat all over my face, I take a heavy breath and get up. Having a nightmare about finding her dead wasn't exactly something I was looking forward to. I shake my head and quickly find some clothes to take a shower with, maybe that will help me with all the thoughts swirling around in my head right now. I doubt it.

Me: "No way, she's not dead, she can't be. I'll find her and bring her back alive."

After saying that a few more times, I splash some water on my face. I don't know how'd that help, but I did it. Taking a shower helped…. none. I sigh and put my clothes on, I then take my bag and place the posters from yesterday in them. I'd place them up at lunch, I take a deep breath before heading over to my school.

Skip fifteen boring minutes of walking and I'm here, barely on time as well. As you could imagine, the whole school was talking about the "kid who had gone missing". My friend who had been there for me for years, I hadn't done much to pay her back either, I needed to show that I cared for her. Plus, she was my frickin' bestie, how could I not go trying to find out where she went? Just in case you were wondering, I went to the College of Grainsbourg, yes that was the name, deal with it. I sighed heavily as I looked around the school.

None of these people cared as much as I did, no one did. They wouldn't go on a whole investigation looking for her now would they? I shook my head, I was just hurt. Knowing that she was missing and all, but maybe if I keep telling myself I'll find her alive. Enough thinking, the bell for the first class had rung. I get over there as quickly as I can.

On my way there, though. I accidentally bumped into this kid, I looked up and saw Michael Fransier. The guy was a nice kid, too bad he was so shy. He looked embarrassed. Michael wasn't a bad guy at all, super nice. He was a skinny asian boy, about five foot nine.

Michael: "Sorry, I bumped into you didn't I-"

Me: "You're fine man, don't worry about it."

Michael: "You sure?"

I nodded.

Me: "Why wouldn't I be? Don't worry man, you're cool."

I genuinely felt bad for him, the kid deserved so much yet he got so little. I patted him on the back as I walked off towards my class.

Me: "Say, want to hang sometime?"

Michael: "Yeah, uh, sure. Thank you."

I nodded, every time I'd see Michael I'd try to be kind. I saw him as a friend. It was time to get to my class now though, both of us went our separate ways. Me and Michael were slowly building up to best friends, I could feel it.

The classes were pretty much the same, boring. Nothing really happened, I saw Michael a few times and chatted with him though, it was nice, building up my friendship with him. You could say I trusted him a lot now. Fast forward to lunch. I didn't even bother to get one, I just went straight into the hallway because we're allowed to do that, for some reason. I had made sure to bring tape with me, fortunately. I took another heavy breath and started putting up the posters, when I was on my third one however, I heard footsteps behind me.

I quickly turned around, but the person was a fellow student. A female student, I look at her with a bit of curiosity. Had she followed me here? She however, ignored my look and went straight towards the posters.

Her: "So, you're putting up posters? Are you looking for her by any chance?"

She then gave a look of suspicion, I tried my best to come up with some sort of lie.

Me: "Yeah uh, no, I was just uh-"

She then cut me off.

Her: "You are such a horrendous liar, don't worry, I won't let anyone know."

She said the last part with a whisper, I was going to say something, but she had interrupted me again.

Her: "That is, if you let me help you."

I couldn't believe it, was she really doing this? Why would she want to help me? We barely knew each other. I stutter a bit before I manage to say something.

Me: "Why would you want to help me?"

She answered my question, but not the way I had really hoped that she would.

Her: "I have my reasons, Megan, by the way. Nice to meet you, Colson."

I was simply baffled by how she knew my name already, but I remember that she was in my third class with me. She must have heard my name during attendance. I awkwardly waved towards her as she walked off.

Me: "Nice to meet you? It's Colson, I guess we can start this whole thing later?"

Megan: "I guess so, just give the address at the end of the day."

Me: "Right, see ya then."

Well, I guess I have a partner helping me now, after about two hours the school day was over. Somehow she knew exactly where I was, as I was walking out the front door she had stopped me. I had almost forgotten, I nodded and wrote the address of my house down, I gave her the piece of paper and we nodded at each other.

I then walk out of the building and start walking towards the direction of my house. Luckily it wasn't too far. About fifteen minutes later and I'm here, I grab my keys and unlock the door. I walk inside.

Me: "Alright, it's been an okay day, maybe a snack will fix my mood?"

I fix a turkey sandwich and put mayonnaise on it, I don't care what anyone says, it is good. Anyways, that didn't do anything to my mood, as expected. I was taking another bite into my sandwich, but I was interrupted by a knock on the door. She was here, I went over to the door and opened it for her.

Me: "Welcome to my house, I spent some time cleaning up and everything. Make yourself comfortable."

Megan: "Sure."

She looks over towards the kitchen and looks at me, did she want something? I lifted an eyebrow before her gaze shifted away from me. She sat down by the table.

Me: "You hungry? I could fix something up if you want."

Megan: "If you want, but you know that's not what I'm here for."

Me: "Yeah, I know."

I walked over to the kitchen and fixed her a turkey sandwich really quick, I placed it in front of her and she nodded, I saw a slight smile escape from her lips before I sat down myself. We both take a bite.

Megan: "So, how do you plan to start this whole thing?"

Me: "I honestly don't know, as crazy as it sounds, she may be in some hospital or something. We could try those first."

Megan gives me a look of confusion.

Megan: "Now why would she be in a hospital?"

I shrug.

Me: "I don't know, maybe she got hurt while she was out and someone found her?"

Megan: "Maybe, but I doubt this will work, we should try asking family first. You got any info on them?"

I nod, I had been over her house a few times since she and I did have quite the relationship.

Me: "Yeah, I'll see if I can find anything that'll take us there."

Megan: "Alright, make it quick. I can't stay for long, I need to go back."

Me: "Got it, hey, how'd you get here by the way?"

She gave me another look of confusion.

Megan: "My car? Hello?"

Me: "Right, totally knew that you had a car."

She chuckled lightly, I ignored her and went into my room. If I didn't keep anything here, it was probably on my phone. I start by looking underneath my bed, nope. Maybe in the drawers somewhere? Just clothes, nevermind.

Megan: "Hey, have you found any leads yet?"

Me: "Nope, can you help me real quick?"

Megan: "Of course, I'll see what I can do."

Megan would join me in looking for anything that can help us find her parents. I get out my phone and open it with the passcode. While she was looking there, I'd scroll through my message history with Max. These are said messages I looked at:

January 15th, 2015 at 4:59 PM: "Hey Maxine! How has your day been so far?"

January 15th, 2015 at 5:00 PM: "It's actually been alright, I'm fine though, don't worry!"

January 15th, 2015 at 5:01 PM: "You sure? I don't want you feeling sad you know?"

January 15th, 2015 at 5:01 PM: "I'm sure Col! Everything's alright! Say, you want to come over sometime?"

January 15th, 2015 at 5:02 PM: "Sure, I'm down to come over!"

January 15th, 2015 at 7:09 PM: "Alright, I'll let you know the address tomorrow!"

January 16th, 2015 at 5:20 PM: "Colson! Show up at the blue house on Red Viking Rd. and I'll meet you there!"

January 16th, 2015 at 5:30 PM: "Sorry for the late response, I'll be there shortly!"

That was it, although it wasn't an exact address it still worked. I had a little moment to celebrate before turning to Megan, who looked like she had searched the whole place.

Megan: "Hey, sorry, I wasn't able to find anything, you?"

Me: "It's alright Megan, really. I found something. Let's go!"

Megan: "Alright, we'll take my car!"

We both run outside, in a hurry to get into the car. After we were in, we started going fast.

Megan: "So tell me, where are we going?"

Me: "The blue house on Red Viking Rd."

Megan: "Huh? That's it? What about the-

She would laugh a bit, yeah, my friend wasn't really good with directions. Just thought I'd tell you that.

Me: "Yeah, she wasn't really good with directions."

Megan: "Well, it's something we could use. As long as it's useful I'll take it. Blue house on Red Viking road here we come!"

Me: "Hey, uh, would you mind slowing down a bit? You're going a little too fast and it might get us pulled over."

Megan: "Oh yeah? My bad."

Me: "Yeah, thanks."

After talking about pretty much nothing for five minutes, we arrive at Red Viking road. We both look out for a blue house.

Megan: "You said a blue house right? I'm not really seeing any over here."

Me: "Keep looking, it's probably somewhere around here."

Chapter Three: Clues

We were still driving, but eventually, after a few minutes we had found the house. I let out a sigh of relief, Maxine's family hadn't moved after all. Megan got out of the car and stretched before bringing her gaze over to the house.

Megan: "That's the house?"

Me: "Yeah, we're here."

She nods before motioning me to come with her, we both walked up towards the door and knocked. After about a minute, two people answered, by the looks of them they were Max's parents. I knew them, considering I had come here three days ago earlier.

The mother was Stacy, the father was Max. They both shook my hand before welcoming me inside.

Max: "Well, who's this you've brought with you young Colson?"

Stacy: "She's probably just a friend, Max."

He gave a good look at Megan, she quickly introduced herself to the both of them and smiled.

Megan: "Yeah, it's nice to meet you sir."

Max would nod and back away, he seemed sorry. He and Stacy invited us over to the table to eat with them.

Me: "Actually, I just ate so-"

Max: "Come on, a little food never hurt anybody!"

Megan: "Sir, I'd like some if you don't mind."

I sigh.

Me: "Alright, I'll eat some too."

Max: "Well alright, what do you two want?"

I looked towards Megan. Asking about their missing daughter didn't feel right, not at all. If we wanted to solve this case though, it was necessary. I take a deep breath before I look at the both of them.

Me: "I'll feel horrible for asking this but, do any of you know where Maxine is?"

They both shook their heads, maybe I could try asking them where she told them where she was going. That could get us somewhere. I took a bite of the spaghetti before I said anything.

Somehow though, Megan pretty much knew exactly what I was going to say, and we both said it at the same time.

Me & Megan: "Where did she tell you she was headed?"

They both looked at us and sighed, I could understand how they were feeling at this moment. I felt horrible for even bringing her up.

Max: "Well she told us she was going to some sort of party with her girl friends."

Stacy: "She said she'd be back at eleven-fifty, but we haven't seen her for about twenty hours now.

Max: "She hasn't been answering her phone at all, we tried about fifty times calling her."

They both take a moment to not say anything, after hearing that how could you not feel bad for them?

Me: "I am.. horribly sorry this has happened to you, no one deserves to lose their child. I know how tough it is on you."

Megan: "Yeah, we needed to know if you knew any of her possible whereabouts so we could try and find her and return her to you safely."

They couldn't believe what they had heard, I could tell since they both gave us a look of shock.

Max: "You'd really do that? You're risking your lives-"

Me & Megan: "We know."

Stacy: "Maxine is so lucky to have people that care about her this much, are you sure? This is risky business."

Megan: "Ma'am, we're sure about this."

Me: "Yeah, she's my best friend, besides she's done so much for me. I think it's time I repay her."

Megan: "I tagged along because well, it seems she means a lot to Colson here."

The two parents would look as if they were about to tear up, we still needed to ask something though. The name of the girls she said she was "partying" with.

Me: "May we ask another question if you don't mind?"

They both nod.

Me: "By any chance do you know the name of the girls she said she was going to have fun with?"

Stacy takes a step forward and nods.

Stacy: "When I asked who, she said-"

Me: "I'm sorry ma'am, I just need to get some notebook paper and a pen so I can write this down, do you have that by any chance?"

Stacy: "Of course, check in Maxine's room."

I nod and motion for Megan to follow me, I had been around this house a couple times before, so I knew it pretty well. Max's room would be three rooms down to the right. We enter and I start to search for some paper for both of us.

Megan: "Tell me when you found something, I'll be right here by the doorstep."

Me: "Got it."

Not even five minutes after she said that, I had found the paper. I gave one to her and kept one for myself. We went back out into the living room and into the kitchen, where the parents were waiting.

Me: "Sorry for the wait, go on ahead please."

Stacy: "Right, these girls, she only told me one of them. Joanna Fritz, I'm not sure where she is but hopefully that helps."

I wrote down her name first, and then gave the pen to Megan, who also wrote the name down. This could help, knowing her first and last name. We'd have to ask this individual a couple of questions once we got there.

Me: "Joanna Fritz, right?"

I lifted my eyebrow and placed the pen down on the paper.

Stacy: "Yes, that's who it was, I remember it as clear as day."

Me & Megan: "Alright, thanks both of you. We appreciate it!"

We both get out of our seats and prepare to leave, but the parents clearly wanted to say something else.

They walk over to the both of us and pat us on the head.

Stacy: "Thank you for being so brave, I really hope you find our daughter. Be careful."

Max: "Thank you, both of you better stay safe. We appreciate you so much."

Megan: "Of course, I hope we find your daughter too, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor."

Me: "Alright, we must leave now, thanks for the food by the way."

We all wave goodbye and part from one another, Megan drives back to my house and then goes back to her own. We must prepare ourselves for tomorrow.

© C O L S O N