

Chanakya Arthashastra-2
If you haven't read part-1, please
read it



-To Follow ones swa-dharma is the way to reach our passion. Swa-dharma(sanksrit word) means ones own dharma
-The youth focuses on how to plan the career, but planning your life is also important
-While planning our career, we may miss planning our life
While planning our life, Planning the career is also included
This is the process of self-analyasis
how to built our passion(I already wrote in previous chapter)
Finally you will find your swa-dharma
-Sucess is not measured by money. Sucess is measured by your inner peace, enjoyment on your passion


-We should be money-conscious not money-minded
Money minded person thinks money is life
Money conscious person understand the value of money and wealth
The four stages of wealth:
-Wealth identification
-Wealth creation
-Wealth management
-Welath distribution


In this topic chanakya is speaking about support of the family

What is the difference between love and understanding?
There is love between family members, It is lack of understanding that creates problems.Having the foundation of family as a support system helps us to become more sucessful.While we struggle with our work life balance, family should not given to last priority.When our career ends, it is the family that stands with us

To be continued....

Hope you like the story,please give your comments

© Teju