

Encanto The Musical: Introduction
This story starts out with a little girl named Mirabel. Today was her gift ceremony, and she was very excited, she was sitting in the nursery with Abuela, just talking about how the miracle came about, and what her magical gift will be.

Mirabel: Abuela.

Abuela Alma: Yes, Mirabel?

Mirabel: How did we receive a miracle?

Abuela looked at the candle in her hand, beginning to tell the story.

Abuela Alma: Many years ago, back when your Abuelo Pedro was still alive, we were on the run from enemy soldiers. Pedro sacrificed himself for me and my people, and that was when we lost your Abuelo Pedro. Just then, in our darkest moment, a miracle came about on a shining candle, and made our beautiful, magical Casita. 5 years later, my children received their gifts, and from generation to generation...

Mirabel: Casita blessed us with magical gifts too!

Abuela Alma: That's right, Mirabel. And this candle will continue to bless our family for many generations, and make the family stronger. So tonight, Casita will bless you with a very magical, special gift.

Mirabel smiled at that, she was very excited to find out her gift, she was very excited to make her family proud. Just then, Casita was pushing over an alarm clock, signaling that it was time.

Abuela Alma: Yes, yes Casita. We're going.

Mirabel hopped out of her bed, and helped Abuela up.

Mirabel: What do you think my gift will be Abuela?

Abuela Alma: Well that will be Casita's decision, but whatever your gift is, you must promise to make your family proud.

Mirabel: Yes, Abuela.

Mirabel was standing at her door, ready to get her gift, she touched the doorknob, and the story begins...