

The knife of fire, Scary Diary.
Once a girl walked
to get somehow is what I mean is somewhat,
is What I mean somewhere, And How?
The question is Where she was going, Through with the haunted flat house binded with silence and shore, She heard, She walked entered into this scene, Get scared, Got realised, Being touched by, somebody beside her, She weeper, Trying gonna but stifled there,

Unfortunately, She seen black shadows, She wondered, Is a somehow problematic she has thr eyes or suddenly being sensed of getting harmful touched,

Doesn't refinished Recognised as first experienced of her in that village named Merico.

When she started seeing a picture, Spoken by someone, Called her name, She asked - Who's speakin?
The picture said - I'm s ghost, Coz the girl was innocent , Felt Disintegrated, Walked away,

Gone to Psychiatrist, Suggested by doctor, You having hallucinations, Got problem in your nerves and lack of blood in your hands and Suggested for walk,

The girl realised there was nothing but just my hallucinations, Things were happening all right by Taking up the medicine every single night,

Life became happy when you feel nobody can harm you except your fear and fear has always been called a hallucinating Knife.
That kills your Subway at all the way you chosen to be deserved,
That's Why the name of this story and the hearing message is this that Fear is always hallucinated by your own mindset what have you not been learnt in your Life, You been hallucinated many times,

The most scary thing is hallucinating yourself, Nothing is scary than this.

© Priyanka Sharma