

The Burden
The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated. I open the chest and find nothing but an old picture with the words "It's your burden now".
I look at it and say, "What does this mean." I go back inside only to find the lights dont work, so I check the fuse box only to find every fuse has blown.
I say with a little shake in my voice, "What the fuck is going on here" I go upstairs and grab the keys to my car. "Well I guess I need to go and get more fuses." I outside only to find my car's tires have been slashed. "What the fuck"- With worry in my voice- "Could some one be in my house" I ran inside and didn't even bother to close the door, I was more angry than worried now. I searched the whole house only to find nothing. I go back to the door it is.is.now closed, "I thought I left it open", I said. I go to open the door only to find it's locked. I relize that who ever is here has trapped me here with them. Then without warning I here a women or a child humming a song. I walk towards it even though every bone in my body is telling me to run. Then I see a floating head of a little girl with the heart still attached and beating it rushes toward me then everything goes black. I wake up in a cell chained to the wall. I struggle while yelling "HELP", but no one heard me. Then I hear the humming again. This time I cower into the back of my cell. Then with the raspy voice of a women it says, "You took the burden and now its time to pay" Then with a flash I am strung up onto the wall. Then without warning a bt of pain goes through my arm, I look and see a machete stuck to the wall where my arm used to be. I scream in pain. Then everything goes black once again. This time I wake up in my bathroom, I cant feel my body. I look in the mirror only to see my head and heart, I was just like her. I'm not scared or worried I'm at peace. Now I have the urge to do this to someone else and that person is you.