

By the windowsill...
She sat every day.
Same time, same place
eager for the transformation
that always took place.
Here, in this tiny nook
was a world of imagination
which real life had took.
In an instant,
even before she knelt to sit
All her fears fled away,
it is such a cozy fit.
It is here
by the windowsill
that she could hang on to hope
and remember to cope.
She flew into her fantasies
so vivid and bold
believing somewhere out there
there was a world that was uncold.
She would ride her horse with a fierceness
long strides and hair blowing in the wind.
Just ride and ride thru green pastures always a grin. thru villages and farms she kept her head held high, proud of her horse and the feeling within.
Happiness surrounded her.
She could almost reach out her hand and touch the softness of the colors.
Lost in her dream
you could feel her glow
all too fast
it was over. it was time to go.
Straining to stay
if only for another minute
Wanting this forever
To be enveloped in it.
Screams echo into her ears
she jumps into reality
She must let go
and face the brutality.
Knowing her fate
she looks down to try to forget
But sitting by the windowsill
she will never regret.
If not for that windowsill,
All the years of her youth
this story wouldn't be told
in all its truth
Her time...
By the windowsill
Saved her from hating inside
She grew to be the prince's bride.

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