

Lovecraftian Horror of Self Realization
There is no prologue to my story. One moment I was asleep, and the very next I was living in my own horrific, personal hell.
Stepping out of bed onto the floor writhing with entrails and pustules oozing between my toes. With such sudden terror, I had no time for revulsion.
Moving as quickly as this situation allowed, I left the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. Before I could enjoy anything akin to relief, I realized I was further into this hellscape that reeked of sulfur and death.
As I tried to take stock of what was happening, a tentacled, bubbling lump of rotting flesh took on the nightmarish form of a person. This constantly morphing entity formed a face that started to smile at me. Then, the horror filled face opened its mouth and in a voice that was clearly mine said, “Welcome Home.”
The voice started screaming! It was at this moment that I lost consciousness, for I realized that I was looking into a mirror.
#horror #lovecraft #myth #terror #writco