Heated Roommates
“Could you turn off that fan?” Brenda asked in a not so nice way. She even turned to her college roommate to give her the death glare, interrupting herself from her important course assignment.
“I’m sorry,” Sofia snarled with a heavy dose of sarcasm. She lied in a puddle of her own sweat on the bed, the only cool comfort being the fan in the corner. “Do you want to sweat your butt off?”
“I need to concentrate,” Brenda growled, biting her lip as she focused on her dumb paper. That concentration was soon broken by the...
“I’m sorry,” Sofia snarled with a heavy dose of sarcasm. She lied in a puddle of her own sweat on the bed, the only cool comfort being the fan in the corner. “Do you want to sweat your butt off?”
“I need to concentrate,” Brenda growled, biting her lip as she focused on her dumb paper. That concentration was soon broken by the...