

Well, It's Definitely a Zero to Begin With🤷‍♀️
(this is excerpt from my draft, "A long Journey Home" ) page 01

You might wonder what will happen if you torn a single page from your book of life. Mostly, people who still dwell from the past will regret it from doing so. But you are different.
Because as you age, you are aware that time is constantly ticking and cannot wait longer for you to make firm decisions. You become more braver and determined to go forward. Inspite of the fear and worry what's out there waitin' for you. It won't matter if you are on the winning or losing side. The only thing is, you tried. At least you tried.
Because in this circle called life, every journey is an adventure. You just have to go where the path leads you.
I know, doubts will arise as you arrive at the crossroads. But darlin', you must trust your heart. Every single heartbeat will tell you where to go.


Note: typos🤗

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© melai2020