

It was a perfect sunny day, everything was so perfect. Especially for a vacation. Family vacation.

We're singing happily, teasing each other and laughing together like it was the happiest time of our life.

My father got promoted from his work that's why we decided to have fun.

My mother, my father, my brother and me. A perfect picture of my family...

But who would have thought that

perfect day, that perfect family. Those laughs that we shared will turn to be the greatest nightmare of my life...

That day...

We got to a car accident.

I survived... Alone...

I was five years old when I lost my family.

I was scared. I don't want to be alone. I want to be with them. I don't want here anymore. I can't... I can't live without them...

I ended up in an orphanage, Nobody dares to play nor talk with me.

I feel so lonely.

I feel so cold.

I feel so lost.

Not until a lady who sat beside me and hugged me tightly. My tears start to fall. Finally! It feels warm. It feels like home...

I opened my heart for a new family. I hope it would last forever. I don't want to be alone.

My life has been so wonderful, I make friends with everyone around me, whenever I go, I have friends and family to hold on to.

I first wonder why I feel obliged to be with everyone. And that's when realized, I'm scared of the idea of being alone again.

I'm suffering from a phobia called Autophobia. Fear of being alone.

The trauma of being left alone that I experienced 10 years ago affects me a lot, that's why when I finally felt the love and happiness I've been longing for makes me wanna hold it forever.

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