

Story on Lifestyle
We have seen and experienced many things in our life and most of the times we feel burdened by the obstacles we face. We become sad and stuck ourselves with the thoughts that we cannot move ahead. Most of the times, it’s because people push us down and we never listen to ourselves. When we start listening to ourselves and start pushing ourselves then we start moving forward to see the rays of hope coming up. To keep it more simple and elegant, I shall share some beautiful stories with you all which mostly relates with each and everyone's life at some or the other point.

Story 1:
Once there was a boy who use to play by throwing stones into the lake. Suddenly, he saw a very beautiful stone which was different from other normal stones and he started staring at it. He immediately thought he will show that to his father and know what that is and why it is different. He came home and showed it to his father. His father told what you want to do with this. He told I want to play with this stone but it looks very different so what to find out how special it is. His father asked him to take the stone and go to anyone, tell them you want to sell the stone and show them just five fingers. Do not tell anything to them, come back to me and let me know what their response was. The boy got curious and ran to the streets. He got one person and showed them the stone, the person asked him about the price and the boy as insisted by his father, showed 5 fingers. The person told - OK, two dollars! The boy ran and came to his father and told someone wants to buy the stone for five dollars. The father smiled at the boy and asked him to go to some shop and try selling this. The boy agreed and went to some shops, one of the shop-keeper asked the price and the boy showed him 5 fingers. The shop-keeper told 50 dollars! The boy again ran and came to his father and told that one of the shop keepers wants to but it for 50 dollars. Again his father smiled and asked him to go to some antique/ gem shop. The boy did the same. He went to one of the gem shops and showed them the stone, the owner started analyzing the stone carefully and asked the boy about the details as from where did he find the stone, when did he find it and so on. The boy got confused as why the owner is asking so many questions just for a stone. The owner became happy seeing the stone and asked the boy about the price, he showed 5 fingers and guess what, the owner was ready to buy it for 5000 dollars as it was a previous stone which the boy found which cannot be found 1000s of miles away. The boy got completely shocked and he immediately ran to his father and narrated the sequence. His father told him, did you understand what happened.
The stone was one but every person was quoting the value differently. Everyone cannot value the same way how you are valuing it. It is the same with LIFE as well…

Story 2:
There were two childhood friends- Chintu & Montu, living happily in a village. They both used to roam and play together always. Once both of them decided to go to forest hill to chill out. While they both were on their way, it suddenly started drizzling and slowly started raining heavily. They both started enjoying like laughing, dancing and splashing water on each other. Suddenly, Montu slipped and fell into the cliff. He started screaming for help and Chintu was also very scared seeing his pain. The cliff was very dangerous and Chintu can feel that if Montu fall from there, he will surely die. Chintu started searching for something to hold tightly and help Montu bring back. He tried with some wooden logs, long branches but it was so wet and slippery that they could not hold it for long. Montu was really scared and told Chintu to run away as they can be some wild animals around which might hurt or kill him. He even asked Chintu not to worry about him and take care of himself first. Chintu just determined to save him at any cost. He just asked Montu to close his eyes and hold the cliff tightly and he will save him at any cost. Chintu immediately started to look around and he got a thought of make a thick rope with climbing plants. He quickly started doing it and made a strong rope out of the climbing plants. Chintu asked Montu to open his eyes and hold the rope tightly and push himself above the cliff and think nothing. Montu immediately hold the rope tightly and Chintu was asking him to keep the focus only on reaching above the cliff. Finally, Chintu used all his energy, strength and power to pull Montu. Once Montu reached to Chintu, they both hugged each other and started running to their home as it was about to become dark.
If we understand the whole sequence, its because they both had trust on each other and determined to do something. Most importantly, listened to their mind voice.

These 2 beautiful stories gives a lot of Life values and lessons. I want to hear from my network, what did you learn from the stories and what is your thoughts around it.