

DO IT!!!
Indecision, skepticism, apprehension. These lamentably are the plight of a lot of young adults today. Why?

You do not want to live the ordinary life. Nobody does.

You do not want to do things as conventionally as others do or have done. We are with you on that.
You want something remarkably distinct, something particular, sui-generis.

Yes, but does this happen in the twinkle of an eye?
A career is not built by letting go of options and opportunities, waiting for that 'one' idea/opportunity/event: a life is built with time.

There is no denying that there's this overwhelming feeling that,
...If I pick one out of the array of choices I can be, it might be tantamount to settling (which you don't want).

It might deter me from the long term goal. I might get distracted from the realness I wish to achieve. Hence the skepticism, I should not just settle at least not YET when I still have some time on my hands. That "wow" element I seek which would make me unique for life might just be lurking around, so I should still tarry.

Do you forget that to arrive at ANY point on the seashore from the center of the ocean, one must start with a stroke, no matter the direction.
You might think ' I've still got time.' Be sure not to look back at 40 and wish that you actually started something in your 20s, then chances would be slimmer, less time at hand to make decisions, then one might be forced to take whatever there is.
Wishing that you attempted and if you fail, you'd be sure that it was a stroke in the wrong direction but you did try.

Seize that opportunity, what would it hurt?
Remember, debating hasn't gotten anyone anywhere!