

Chapter 3 of PRAY MAN
The next day Daryl decides to do some training on project master prayer so he goes to a quiet spot and sits there and starts meditating. A few hours later Daryl says to himself I'm sure that dream of the Gods telling me project master prayer was a success was a sign that my training to achieve the master prayer is a success then Daryl says to himself I've been training the exact same thing I'm sitting here training now for the last four hundred thousand years so I think it's about time that project master prayer becomes a reality, so Daryl stops training project master prayer and gets on his knees and gathers all his knowledge and wisdom about praying and harneses all his skills of praying and starts praying as hard as he can for it to start raining, just then a thunderstorm happens out of nowhere then Daryl prays for the thunderstorm to stop and it does. Yes Daryl screams, then he yells I've done it I've created the master prayer. Knowing this is the happiest day of his life Daryl can't help but to be excited.

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