

T. V.

This story totally based on a boy who got addicted in T. V but at last he just came out from this and started focusing on his studies.....
Oliver a boy of 13 years. He liked to like to watch TV actually he seems addicted on watching T. V. whenever anyone comes to his house everyone find him watching T. V but his parents didn't observe this but at last his mom understood everything as she observed for him for a week. He was so deep in watching TV that his mom when calls him hi didn't hear his mom voice and also didn't know what is going in his surroundings. So his mom decided not give Oliver to watch TV and she strictly told Oliver "From today you are going to watch TV in my presence as well as in my absence". But Oliver can't stop him from watching TV so he cried to his mom let him to watch TV. After seeing it Oliver's mom thought for a deal. She told if you study hard than you can watch TV I'm not going to disturb you but you need to study, after listening to it Oliver agreed and went to his room for going his studies but when he sat to his studies he started dreaming about the cartoon he watched.. So he got dipped in his dream.. And his mom though to check whether he is studying or not.. She found that he was on his study table.. She thought that Oliver was studying but it was not actually.. He was dreaming about the cartoon characters. And after few hours his mom called him to came and take rest and watch TV.. he came started watching TV. But his mom wa having a doubt for his how can he study for 3 hours as he didn't studied for 2 hours constantly.. So after watching TV for 1 hours his mom told him to back and study again. And 4 to 5 day passed his mom was really happy after seeing Oliver as he was studying.. But who knows that Oliver is not studying he is dipped in this dreams.. So one day Oliver's mom thought to observe him whole day and she found that actually he was not studying he was thinking something.. About what?? So he asked Oliver what you are thinking he replied no I was studying. Than Oliver mom didn't say anything than another day she observed than she talked to Oliver's dad that he was addicted in TV now all the time he is dreaming about cartoon as he is relating his life to cartoon life even he didn't study a single word for 5 to 6 days. So they thought Oliver to take him to a child specialist to talk about him. So on the next morning they took appointed of the specialist and talk about him about his situation. The specialist talked to Oliver what type of cartoon he liked to watch. For how many hours he watch tv.. And many more questions.. He replied that he watch TV for more than 6 hours constantly and have a huge list of cartoon. The specialist though for 3 days counsiling of Oliver and after three days he was alright now he can understand the value of his life and want to do something in his life by which he will be remembered by everyone. And want to achieve his goals as the specialist learn him the values of life. And his mom and dad no more aware about him as he can do his things alone. And he understood the difference between imaginary world and realistic world's life.. And help- himself to achieve his goals and move on in his life... ✌🏻
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