

Not only the dark skinned people are always looked down upon...people with pale skin are humiliated too..atleast for me I face it.People would out names,call me a white chicken,white cow, anaemia patient and so on.Not only chubby people are bullied skinny people are bullied too..Atleast I was called sick throughout my life just bcoz I had pale skin and was very skinny.People would comment that my mother doesn't pay attention to me,she doesn't give me enough food or that she starves me,I was even called ghost my whole life.I know it is not something too much but it really did affect my feelings.It never allowed me to feel beautiful,I always wanted to gain weight and often over eated and fell sick just bcoz of it.It made me feel guilty.I think that no one should be bullied for how they look or what they think.I think people should stop commenting these types of things coz you may think it doesn't hurt but it really destroys our self appreciation and makes us feel ugly.
Thank you 🙏
© @aira-ia