

camp fire story
There's a legend being told about a creature lerking the dark forest, that stands 8 to 9 feet tall, eyes that glow red, and a cry curdles the blood. The creature hides in the shadows waiting for it's victim.

One summer evening I was sitting by the fire drinking coffee. a noise came from the thick dark forest, snapping trees and throwing rocks bigger than tractor tires. the behemoth creature stepped out in the moon light raised its head and let out a roar loud enough to wake the dead. it turned and looked at me like it was looking into my soul, the eyes glowing red like embers of hot coals; as it stepped towards me shaking the ground beneath its feet, with fear I felt the color leave my face. The creature's face from what I could see from the by flickering flame, I can tell that the legends were true. it was an app man like creature, with jagged teeth and ugly scour look its hands was big enough to snap a bull in half. the width of the creature was 6ft across, but its eyes sent tearer through my bones. the creature watched my for hours waiting for me to run, I sat waiting for the sun to rise. snarling and drooling the creature was now angry beating it chest I didn't know what was going to happen next. I reached slowly for my rifle turned to see if it was still there it was gone. the legends of creature's lerking the camp fire stories.
© Jim Purvis