

VIRI : The Mystery solved
​A group of Children came to see a dead body . That dead body didn't have HEAD , leg and hand . There was only a body . And that group of Children informed to police station and police came to the spot .

After 3 days .

Police keep on enquiring in that village . And finally they didn't get any solution for the Murder .

In that village some of them speaking about "GUREY " .

GUREY was the ghost surviving in that village .

People taught that the Ghost was the killer . And the people informed to Police also . But the police didn't believe anything . And the senior police officer called the "DETECTIVE RAVANAN"

RAVANAN was the Detective who going to find the Murder and he was the hero of this story .

RAVANAN came to that village . And he started enquiring about the Murder .

" JEEVAN " assistant of Ravanan .

Ravanan -- first who sawn the dead body ? .

JEEVAN -- sir ! Some group of Children sawn that dead body .

Ravanan -- ok . Call that children .

Jeevan -- Ok. Sir .

In that group eight childrens were there . Ravanan enquired everything . But he didn't get any clue about victim and the killer .

Ravanan -- Jeevan ! ask to this people any person missing in this village .

Jeevan -- Ok ! Sir .

Jeevan enquired everything . No person is missing in this village . Only 25 families surviving in this village .

Ravanan -- I think the victim came from city . Ask to city police station that any Missing case is there or not ? .

JEEVAN -- Ok sir .

In City also past 5 days there was no missing case .

In that time Ravanan came to know about

" GUREY " . And Ravanan went to

" old grandpa's house to enquire about Gurey " .

In Old grandpa's house :

Ravanan -- Grandpa say about " Gurey " .

Old grandpa -- Ok. I will say .

GUREY was an horror ghost . For Past 5 years the people in village facing a problem from the ghost "gurey " . So we done a pooja but the gurey didn't go out of our village .

Old grandpa -- this is about "GUREY " . Sir ! Don't go outside at night time .

Ravanan -- why ? .

Old grandpa -- GUREY WILL CATCH YOU . So be safe .

Ravanan -- Ok . Grandpa ! .

Ravanan can't able to believe anything that grandpa told . He has little bit confusion . And he went to his Room .

In Ravanan's Room :

Jeevan -- sir . I have enquired about this village sir .

Ravanan -- Ok.

Jeevan -- sir . This village has one big problem .

Ravanan -- what problem ? .

JEEVAN -- sir wait I will say ! .

Before 5 years there were 50 families living in this village . There was an temple in this village .

People tried to oppen that temple after opening the temple the village population were reduced to 25 families .

Ravanan -- where is the temple ? .

Jeevan -- sir ! Now the temple completely destroyed .

Ravanan -- who started to open the temple ? .

Jeevan -- old grandpa ! .

Ravanan -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha . Then he is the killer .


In Grandpa's house :

Ravanan -- I know you are the killer !

Old grandpa -- I'm old grandpa . My age is 199. Why I should kill . I can't able to stand up also .

Ravanan -- then why did you opened that temple.

Old grandpa -- That is Shiva temple .

Ravanan -- Oh ! .

Old grandpa is not a killer .. Ravanan is finding the killer . This story has a mysterious ending .

Night 11:00PM .

In Ravanan's Room :

Ravanan -- I wanto see that "Gurey " .

Jeevan -- sir that is a ghost .

Ravanan -- it's ok . No problem . I'm going to see.

Midnight 12:00PM .

Ravanan came outside of his Room and he walked towards "Gurey's place " .

A long ghost like shadow kicked Ravanan .

Ravanan -- who are you ? .

Continuously that shadow kicking Ravanan.

Ravanan switched on his torch light . No one was near Ravanan . From the backside that shadow kicked Ravanan .

Later on Ravanan started his car . And he started to move .

Car tire was fired 🔥 . He can't able to control the fire .

His total car catches fire 🔥 . And Ravanan came out of the car again that long shadow kicked Ravanan .

Ravanan has no power to fight against the shadow . So Ravanan took his gun .

For some times that shadow didn't kick Ravanan .

From up of the tree that shadow kicked Ravanan .

Ravanan confirmed that it was not a ghost because ghost didn't wear any shoes . But the shadow has shoes on it's leg .


Peoples in that village are shouted because there was a dead body without Head , Legs and hands .

Ravanan came to that spot . That dead body also not belongs to that village .

Ravanan can't able to believe himself and he taught that something is happening in this village .

👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹 .

Ravanan taught that the killer is same person .

Ravanan doubting on Jeevan because yesterday night Jeevan didn't Came to the Ravanan's Room .

Ravanan called Jeevan personally . And both are went to One large forest .

Ravanan -- who are you ? .

Jeevan -- I'm Jeevan ! .

Ravanan -- why did you kill them ?

Jeevan -- who ?

Ravanan -- where is their Head , Legs and hands .

Jeevan -- I can't able to understand .

Ravanan -- 😡 .

Ravanan kicked Jeevan .

Jeevan -- sir . Why are you kicking me ? .

Ravanan -- I know you are the killer .

Jeevan -- Oh . You founded the killer soon .

Ravanan -- 😡 .

Jeevan -- Yes. I'm the killer . Come let's fight 😡 .

Ravanan and Jeevan started to fight .

Jeevan pushed Ravanan inside the cave . And Jeevan Raned .

But Jeevan didn't kill them . Jeevan killed two members in Delhi . Jeevan taught that

Ravanan has found me . But Ravanan is searching the killer who killed in the village.

Ravanan kicked Jeevan . Ravanan has gun in his hand .

Ravanan -- why did you kill them ?

Jeevan -- I killed them in Delhi .

Ravanan -- what ? .

Jeevan explained everything to Ravanan that he didn't kill two members . Ravanan is wrong . Jeevan killed two members in Delhi but not in this village .

Ravanan -- sorry !

Jeevan -- it's ok . Sir .

Ravanan has a doubt on Old grandpa . For two days Ravanan watching old grandpa. But in one Night Ravanan got a solution .

NIGHT 11:00 PM .

Near old grandpa's house :

Ravanan watching the house . Five thief entered inside the old grandpa's house .

Ravanan watching everything from outside .

Within five minutes the thief came out with more money .

Old grandpa is standing .Ravanan can't able to believe that old grandpa is standing .

Old grandpa punched the thief . That Grandpa knows Kungfu and boxing . Old grandpa jumping and fighting .

Ravanan is seeing everything from outside .

And Ravanan confirm that grandpa is the killer .

Finally old grandpa killed that five thieves.

MORNING 11 :00 AM .

Ravanan came to old grandpa's house .

In Old grandpa's house :

Old grandpa -- you didn't find the killer ? .

Ravanan -- Yes. I found the killer .

Old grandpa -- who he is ? .

Ravanan -- you only .

Ravanan kicked old grandpa . Old grandpa fall down from the chair .

Ravanan again kicked the old grandpa .

After sometimes Jeevan came to Old grandpa's house . Jeevan shocked . Old grandpa is beating Ravanan .

Old grandpa kicked Ravanan . Ravanan got angry😡 .

Old grandpa kicked Ravanan again .

Old grandpa -- I didn't kill them . If you came again I will kill you .

Ravanan -- I will kill you ! .

NIGHT 11 :00 PM .

Ravanan came to the spot were that two members killed .

Ravanan searching any evidence against old grandpa .

That Group of children came .

Ravanan -- why did you came here ? at this time .

Children -- "GUREY " .

Ravanan -- where ?

Children -- Back of you ! .

Ravanan turned back .

Group of children started to beat Ravanan .

They are fighting with Ravanan .

Ravanan -- why are you beating me ? .

Children -- we only killed them .

Ravanan beating the children . They are eight members .

Ravanan -- why did you kill them ?

Children -- "VIRI " told to kill them .

Ravanan -- who is VIRI .

Children -- our friend . She only told to kill you.

Ravanan -- I wanto see her .

Children -- she is standing on your head.

VIRI is an ghost called "GUREY " . Viri is her Name after the death she became ghost. Then only she named "GUREY " .

Ravanan -- how did you know her ? .

Children -- we all are playing at the garden . She will always distub us .

Ravanan -- Ok.

Children -- wait I will say about her .

About "VIRI " :

Before five years . This village was beautiful village in that time more people was living in this village .

Viri a small girl her age is 11 . She would always play near the pond .

Her parents warned her to don't go near the pond . But she again and again she was playing near the pond .

One day after playing she didn't return to her home . Late night 11:00pm .

Her parents are searching her everywhere .

She went to Temple . That time old grandpa also came to that temple . That time old grandpa didn't get married . For his Marriage he should kill one small girl .

After few minutes old grandpa killed Viri .

Old grandpa cuted viri's head , hand and legs. And he thrown her dead body into that pond .

After few years old grandpa get Married . After some days her wife was dead .

People taught that " GUREY " killed his wife .

Every five years "GUREY " will come out of the temple and it will search for food . Food is people it will eat humans head , legs and hands .

Ravanan -- Then ? .

Children -- we didn't kill the people . That person is aldready dead . Just we given dead body to eat .

Ravanan -- Oh! .

Children -- "VIRI " likes head , hand and leg only . We didn't kill any person . You didn't check that dead body properly .

Ravanan -- Yes. It is my mistake .


No body kills . Ravanan didn't check properly .


Ravanan came to city .

Ravanan -- anyway the mystery solved.

Ravanan is handling another case . In that case he should find the village in that Village all the peoples were dead before 12 years .

He sawn that before 12 years everyone was dead In that village . Along with viri all are dead . In that village old grandpa , Jeevan , Childrens and others are the GHOST . THEY DEAD BEFORE 12 YEARS .

Ravanan stayed with ghost only .



© Indian writer Darshan