

After Epiphany
After Epiphany

I had a deep, intense forbidding ephiphany of many from my past. The healer spirit took upon itself to seek the light and dark together.
All the people I have met closely were broken people all those years ago who together created even more broken pieces- many that may never be glued back to repair.
Our backgrounds and collective jealousy towards me created the storm that was to come in our lives.
The epiphany reminded me of the broken parts I held then and how easy it was to process them and not project it. Keeping it within myself created illnesses, lack of recognising my own wholesome self.
Despite years of questions, thoughts and feelings about all the episodes in my life, the most simple thing hit me this morning.
It was time to let all of it, off the hook for what I felt .On another level I had chosen to let it all happen and added to those broken parts, I elevated my responsibility towards myself.
As a being I was I was living out my experiences and gaining self realisation of my truest self.
I can see now the parts I was missing via this epiphany or rather nothing was missing.
These energies are bringing up those broken parts that have a home and the freshest ones have a larger perspective to play.Those parts I do not see I had responsibility for..........I add here strongly, there are people who by interacting with me in those events and happenings went far deeper and which were on a whole other level of understanding, so please be aware of this. People from the past are coming back in the role of being the non hurting souls they have been for me , I only have space for non threatening and non controlling people.
This has been a cycle of mourning for me, I was shown a clear message of something it was time to go ahead in my truest self and working through the debris of all these interactions but not interacting again if I carry discomfort from any interaction.
To offer love to everyone who came into my life, where they are now, ask the forgiveness in the part I played and to create a healing balm around that area and time of my life.
I take up the hardest path of a healer being the seeker who displays weakness as strength and there to support the other beings in or beyond my life as the professional role of being a Psychologist.

© Aarti Ahuja aka Orignce