

Is it Humanity or Cruelty
This myna bird has been living in its nest on this tree for few months now
It had its babies here..
This tree is almost attached to my window so I can see its activities daily
But today morning I woke up to a terrible machine sound..
Before I realise what happened they had cut this tree and the bird's nest fell into the ground along with it
I rushed to see what happened but it was already late..
One egg was hatched but the baby bird was already dead and there was no sign of other eggs..
The heart breaking thing was after a while that bird came with food in its beak to feed the baby
There was no tree where it supposed to be..
It was searching everywhere
There's no nest where it supposed to be..
It was looking everywhere helplessly and here I was thinking if I would've woken up little earlier than I did..
I might've saved its Home 💔

Sometimes I feel like we humans are nothing but cancer cells in this world.. to ruin this beautiful nature..

© ಚೈತನ್ಯ

#Life #nature #bird #human #sad #reality #writco #writcostory